‘The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing’ The Founder and CEO at My Local Bobby Ltd and the UK’s leading Private Prosecutor and Investigations Company TM Eye Ltd.
Bradley GREEN appeared at Barkingside Magistrates Court today (13/03/20), charged with four offences of selling counterfeit goods and possessing counterfeit goods for sale contrary to Section 92 of The Trademarks Act 1994. He pleaded guilty to all matters. He was sentenced to a Four Week Curfew, to operate daily between 9pm - 5am and ordered to pay £190.00 costs. The fake goods seized were forfeited by the court and an order for destruction was granted.
The case was brought by TM Eye as a private criminal prosecution on behalf of one of its well known luxury goods clients.
The case follows a 4 week investigation by TM Eye's Illicit Luxury Goods Team. GREEN operated a stall at North Weald market in Essex. He sold a wide variety of fake goods. Covert test purchases were carried out by detectives from TM Eye's Dedicated Undercover Unit on the 7th December 2019, the 14th December 2019 and 21st December 2019. On each occasion the goods purchased were examined and found to be counterfeit. Every test purchase was covertly recorded and formed the evidence leading to the prosecution and conviction.
GREEN had previously been prosecuted by TM Eye for similar offences on the 13th October 2016 at Chelmsford Magistrates Court. He had received a £300.00 fine. GREEN will now have his fingerprints, photograph and DNA taken for police indices and the conviction recorded on the Police National Computer (PNC). Should he re offend he will likely receive a custodial sentence.