Market Research for Startups
Samantha Glover
??“?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????????????????.” CIO, Mathematician, AI Consultant, Research Scientist, Data Science, ISO - Business Loan Broker
I wanted to start by asking a question for contemplation…? Would you say that an idea is more important than the customer? Or would you say that the power of any business that wants to survive and even thrive on these business streets, that we must acknowledge that the power resides in the hands of the consumer and the majority of what consumers want and even need? Even if you have an entirely new idea you would still have to convince the consumer that you can solve their problem with your products and services.
Each consumer makes their purchase decisions entirely on their own; granted we can use data driven marketing and brand strategy to influence the consumer but the power to buy or not to buy remains in the hands of the consumer.
Therefore as a Startup; it is your job to take a journey into the market to assess its conditions and to understand the sentiment as well as the wants, needs and desires of the customer.? As mentioned, even if you have an entirely new concept, like a masterful piece of art, you must find a creative and strategic way to influence buyer behavior.
Customers are far more savvy than older times…? anything can be researched online, reviews can be researched and all of your competitors whether it be direct or indirect competition will show up in those searches through associated search patterns and interests.
Some startups may say… “Well there is no one like me”. ? There is never going to be a business exactly like your business, those that are more similar than not will still come up in search patterns.? Also indirect competitors can easily adopt your business model and become a direct competitor.? Tertiary competition may have consumers that would buy your product or service.
So by looking for competition that is exactly like you has already limited you. From a data science perspective you have already limited yourself and your landscape can be more comparable to being a fish in a fishbowl.? In other words a startup who has no awareness of their surroundings whose perspective is only the size of a fishbowl.??
There are many kinds of fish in the sea. The most dangerous are those that you aren’t aware of.? Strategy should be designed upon the knowledge of a landscape as a whole vs who you want to pick and choose based on who is more similar to you from an eye level view.??
Market research will give you the ability to gain a deep understanding of your buyers or potential buyers.? You have those who are looking for your solution and then you have those who need to be convinced that they even need your solution.??
Both still need to be convinced to make a purchase but the key is understanding how to potentially influence that behavior based on so many factors which is why a? landscape of market research should be built.
In this article we will go over strategic market research and its benefits.? Market entry, marketing and scaling marketing should not rely upon luck and just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.? That is a waste of time and resources…?
Companies that factor in strategic? market research use this data to build marketing strategies through concise market segmentation and even psychographics that can be utilized to create strategic content toward the influence of buyer behavior.? With the use of big data and data driven marketing smart startups will still make mistakes but will minimize their risks and scale strategically in a cost effective way.?
Let’s explore strategic data driven market research and create a foundation that isn’t built on just a hunch or intuition but on the foundation of valuable data and insights.? Are you ready? If so… let’s go!
Market Research
Market research should be a centerpiece of your business strategy, it doesn’t matter if you are B2B or B2C, it doesn’t matter if you are a new startup or one that has been around the block.? Market research will provide answers and will give you insights into what you are stepping into as a business.? As a startup business you can’t afford to exhaust capital; why not back up and empower your decisions backed with data??
Market research isn’t a crystal ball, it is knowledge and you need creative minds in your business to know what to do with that information.? Although many businesses are aware of market research they may not fully understand the greatness of it’s importance.? As a Startup you can understand market trends, have an understanding of your core customers, while in general build a long term strategy.
What exactly is market research?
In short, market research may be the process of data collection about your target market and the customers in these market groups in order to verify the potential success of a new product or service. ? Market research can position teams to iterate existing products, have a deeper understanding of brand perception or to build brand perception in order to develop content that can be designed to communicate effectively with consumers.?
Many questions can be answered with strategic market research such as the condition of the industry and market and as mentioned it is by no means a crystal ball but a tool.? Most successful market research campaigns depending on the scope can take anywhere from weeks or months.? We will go over different parts of a market research landscape to see which areas you want to explore.??
Just keep in mind that having only parts of different areas of a market research landscape may limit your view so it is important to note what your business needs depending on the stage that you are in.? Market research can be done in stages, if that makes sense.? We will definitely cover different parts and stages in a bit.??
Why should businesses invest in market research??
Competition is at the top of this for the reasons why companies should invest in market research endeavors.? A competitive analysis does not mean you want to do what your competition is doing but an assessment of how conditions of the marketplace are being addressed.
The competition can vary on the landscape and these individuals can not only have a great deal of experience they may also possess equal or more resources than you do.? Which is why a competitive analysis is important to include in your market research landscape.? There are different levels of competition so you may want to design your strategy around those who have similar levels of experience, funding and resources and gradually build your way up.
Having a sample size in general no matter what part of the landscape you are building is essential in order to build accurate calculations and to factor in realistic averages across the board.
Another reason is to understand the condition of the market; such as the attitudes of your target markets and different market groups as different parts of the market may represent different opinions and sentiment.? It is important to have this information in order to build a strategy that will provoke influence.? As every market group may not have the same sentiment, they may all want the same things but have a different path to take.??
There is an increase in the growth of market research services in 2022.? In 2021 the industry was worth around $75B and is expected to grow to over $90B by 2025 which is around a prediction of probable growth around 5%.? This alone shows that there may be an increase in demand.??
From a numbers perspective is a limited view, the value of the industry shows that more businesses are investing in strategic market research.? Which means these companies will have an edge… this number will continue to grow and businesses who are not informed may be left behind.???
As a brief overview before we go deeper into the core of this discussion.? Market research allows you to assess the market and design a strategy to meet the buyer where they are at…? Vs throwing something out there, you will have an understanding of the market and create a journey to the minds of the consumer.? Without having an understanding of your market's problems, pain points and what solutions or perceived solutions they are looking for, it would be difficult to have a conversation with them.? Especially in the digital realm of marketing online, whether it be Web2, Web3 into the Metaverse.??
The Impact of Market Research are as follows :
All of the above are some questions to begin asking and from there we can start to build the landscape with research that involves data collection, data mining, modeling and prediction models. ? As there may be underserved customer groups that can essentially be flipped into an opportunity.? Jumping into the market and running ads is a quick way to flush your marketing budget in the toilet.?
It's not as simple as putting ads up and hoping something will stick? You can be strategic by finding market groups that could be low hanging fruit and markets that are underserved.?
How extensive can market research be??
We’ve covered very high level but now we can explore just how extensive market research can get depending on how much you really want to have that edge.? A great artist is known for his or her details… even if that detail isn’t consciously noticed.? Greatness lies in the details no matter how subtle.? With extensive market research you can create a canvas of messaging that resonates with your audiences within their groups.??
Data should not only be quantitative such as what are the overall numbers, and averages but also qualitative to understand what products and services are made of and their influence within these groups.??
Qualitative research as mentioned can be based on public opinion, in addition to any characteristics that make up a product or service, and the sentiment of consumers of what is already out there. ?For example Cow’s milk vs Plant Based milk, or materials that products are made of, or the features and benefits of an app or service…
Quantitative research can be data to find relevant increase or decrease in trends from public sources.??
Let’s talk about the different types of market research…
Types of Market Research?
Primary and secondary research are the two main types of market research that a startup can conduct; which will include the collection of data that can be made into actionable information.
Primary Research
Primary research is first hand information regarding your market and the customers in that market.? I can’t stress enough the importance of market segmentation and establishing buyer personas.? Let me tell you, most businesses hit the wall, you get some sort results that look good at the surface but then you can’t scale.? You can’t scale at that point because you have no idea how market segmentation works, and how to scale based on personas and treating them as different and separate groups.
Different people may buy the same product but groups of individuals may purchase for different reasons and may require a different journey to get to that destination if that makes sense.?
Primary market research essentially can be divided into two parts; what are called exploratory and specific research. Let’s dive into the two…
Exploratory Primary Research
Exploratory primary market research is not really about measuring customer trends and is more so about potential problems that may occur…? This is important because the health of your business and the perception of your brand is important to factor in with your market research endeavors.? Not just that people will want to but the products and services that you have but what potential issues will customers potentially have??
With this type of research you can do open ended interviews or surveys with those who fit different personas in association with the product and problems that may occur as a result of that within? these groups.??
Specific Primary Research
Now let’s talk about specific primary market research which in most cases may follow your exploratory research.? This type of research can be used to go deeper into insights involving issues or opportunities that a business may have already established as important.? With this type of research the business can take a look at a precise segment of their audience and ask questions in order to find a way to solve these problems if that makes sense.??
Secondary Research
Now we have secondary research which is all the data you can find and public records that you can use to draw your conclusions.? (perhaps trend reports, industry content, market statistics, sand sales data from your own business) all of the above to find patterns, associations and relationships across data sets.? Secondary resersach is often involved with the processes related to a competitive analysis.? This type of research will fall into public sources, government statistics, commercial sources, internal sources, and more…??
Let’s briefly talk about these…?
Public Sources are the most accessible layers of data that you will find when you are conducting your secondary market research projects.? These sources are usually free, however the issue with public sources is how valid they are. In this case you may include multiple sources to see if certain? points are accurate or close to each other.? You could also build models based on various sources and create a range of values vs a single output based on a single source of data if that makes sense.???
Government statistics are one of the most common sources that are accurate in comparison to other public sources.? Sources such as the US Census Bureau, and Bureau of labor and statistics can help you understand from an economic standpoint.??
Commercial Sources are public data but at a price…? you can purchase research done by reputable companies on specific topics.? It may not have all of the information that you need but can give you insights usually of your industry and perhaps unique studies.? It will take some research to find and based on your budget you can purchase already completed reports.??
IBIS World is one of them, we also can factor in agencies that have downloaded reports for a price such as Pew, Garner, Forrester…?
Internal Sources
Your own internal data should be factored into your market research such as prediction models on your potential future performance.? Remember the fish in the fish bowl analogy given earlier? Let’s say you use your own internal data to predict the probability of future success based on historical performance…? That by no means would be accurate…? Customer sentiment, new competition and many external factors may impact your success.??
You can factor in the following considering external impact.? Average revenue per sale, customer retention rates, and more that you can use to see if customer retention and lifetime value is being impacted by external factors.?
Now that we’ve gone over a high-level overview, let's get a little deeper into the benefits of market research and even eventually discuss data science and market research; such as automation and building various models for observation.
Importance of Market Research Overview
1. Maintain a Customer-Centric Approach
2. Connect With Your Audience More Effectively
3. Identify Opportunities for Growth
4. Business partnerships
5. Product improvements
6. Minimize risk by testing concepts
7. Make More Informed Decisions
8. Compete more effectively
9. Stay on Top of Trends
Maintain a Customer-Centric Approach- By keeping the customer at the forefront of the business you will be able to adapt to the market when there are changes.? Old ways die out, new concepts slowly come into play and in order to survive we have to keep the demand which is tied into the consumer at the center.? There is research that has been done that shows that companies that are customer centric are 60% more profitable.??
Keeping that in mind, market research is essentially how you come to understand what the customer needs are so that you can have a strategy that factors in the customer centric approach.? To tie this together, in order to be effective as a customer centric company you have to understand your customers; market research is a magnifying glass that will help you design models to better understand your customers; from pain points, customer attitudes and preferences, and any association to other search and interest patterns.?
A strategy for customer centric market research is, segmentation-targeting-positioning the (STP) model.? What this model involves is segmentation of your audience types, targeting, and positioning.
Segmentation; in this STP model can include brainstorming sessions to figure out possible market segmentation and different groups that you can build a strategy around.? Segmentation is so important… Businesses eventually hit the wall when they don’t fully understand market groups.? Segmentation can be done from a different lens from psychographics- that can then be layered into geography and demographics. ? I would start with psychographics and the type of product.
Targeting: With are targeting aspect of this model we need to not only identify the potential profitability but also what is low hanging fruit and which areas are not saturated. Sometimes we may go into an area where we feel other businesses have been successful but that alone may not work if it is oversaturated.??
Positioning: How can you position your brand on the market? It would be by developing a strategy for addressing your target segment’s needs and to find a way to surpass your competition.? Understanding the copy and content on the landscape is super important.??
Connect With Your Audience More Effectively
As we already discussed, a one size fits all approach is costly, and expensive and is a mistake.? Based on the foundation of our STP model we can understand each group and build a strategy around them by better understanding their sentiment but also understanding market conditions and how these issues are currently being addressed by the competition.?
Perhaps trial and error is not too bad when you have some knowledge and are positioning through your segmentation models.? In order to connect with your audience you would use marketing channels and the content that you have designed to communicate with your audience.
Also depending on the product and if you have different products that can be even more layered.? As the activities and interests of certain groups may vary and this is important to understand when you are targeting to find profitable targets to position your ad campaigns.??
I did a study on market groups by marketing channels and the results may surprise you. ? It is important to understand this when choosing a marketing channel and market research will help you to identify which marketing channels may be a good fit.??
A good example is if you have farm equipment, you may not really want to go with Instagram because majority of the users are of the Urban vs Rural populations.? You also have to consider, for example, that the majority of users on Reddit are Male and Genz, if you want to reach more female Millennials Facebook the last I checked has a dominant presence of Millennials in general with almost equal footing between male and females.??
Choosing the right marketing channels is crucial as a first step to reach your audience in a cost effective way but content creation is also crucial and tailoring the messaging is important in order to garner influence if that makes sense.? If customers feel you are speaking their language and that your content speaks to them, that is when you have identified influence and can create scalability around it.
Identify Opportunities for Growth
Market research especially if done periodically can help you to identify gaps in the market and may create discoverability of unique or overlooked opportunities.? Keep in mind you are in a competition for the attention of customers in order to earn their trust and keep them in your pipeline.
Some of these opportunities can be found in…
Unreached segments: ?Earlier we spoke of unreached segments, or underserved groups.? Going after the most popular areas may be more difficult especially if you are limited on budget in comparison to the competition.? Bidding strategies on marketing platforms can help optimize ad delivery but in general companies who have more ad spend will have more reach and if there are many competing in the same pond it may prove fruitless.? There are stages of competition, as a new company you want to find areas that may not be served that you can step into.
Segments can also lie in tertiary competitor audiences.? I mentioned earlier there are customers that are looking for your solutions, there may be some who aren’t aware and need convincing.? Tertiary of the landscape may help you to find potential groups that may purchase elsewhere but are somewhat related.?
Business partnerships:?
Running ads is not the only way to market your business.? What about business partnerships and referrals?? Through your market research endeavors you may discover opportunities to partner? with other businesses that have been around and like I said earlier this could be a tertiary group where they may have customers that would buy your products and services but need convincing.??
By developing partnerships you can design joint promotions and leverage the trust of other brands.? Even marketing platforms such as Facebook can connect a brand partner and have access to run ads to their pages or access to their data and vice versa.? They say that collaboration is the new competition and I think that is key.? If we can partner together we can create greater reach.?
Product improvements:?
When you first design a product or service it may need to evolve over time.? What you begin with may change over time due to changes in the market from new competition, new solutions that may influence the consumer perspective.
Market research will help you to further enhance and develop your products and services.? You can systematically make changes as you are getting feedback, and if the sample size is large enough to make modifications.
From a qualitative perspective, materials and different features may change on the market.? Earlier I gave an example of Cow Milk Vs Plant milk…
Perhaps you may not change the product itself but invent new products, create bundles and packages that you can upsell to appeal to consumers.? The competition may be bundled and have changes in their value proposition.?
Minimize risk by testing concepts
Risk will always be there… as mentioned data doesn’t eliminate risk it simply minimizes it.? With the potential of increasing your reward.? Not being able to measure the amount of risk and damage can be catastrophic to a business.? Being informed is one of the greatest defenses.?
Mitigating risk should be strategic and market research can help identity the playing field and help develop calculations around risk.? One way of minimizing risk is assessing if there is even a demand for a product. I mentioned earlier that you can have a nice idea, but is it profitable? This is why earlier I proposed if the idea is more important than the needs of the market…
Many products fail and there are some studies that show that the failure rate can be as high as 95%.? Part of that reason may be due to the inability to connect to the customer.? Fancy products and services are great but do they solve a problem and is there a demand for it? Or perhaps as stated earlier perhaps you can create influence or inspiration for others in order to create the demand but what does that mean? It would be difficult but possible.
One study showed that out of 9000 new products that were broadly distributed through a national retailer, that 60% were no longer sold within a 3 year time frame.? From a product development perspective vs a service related product creating a business on a hunch should not be the foundation of your goals…? Let’s use market research to predict the probability that a product concept has potential for success.
Will your product meet the needs of the customer and if so how well against the competition? With a proof of concept you can have more confidence in a long term plan and it can be more appealing to investors to see this data.
When you’ve created your product, whether it be a limited edition run, or a MVP you can employ market research in stages to help you refine your strategy and product development over time factoring in the resources that you have and realistically the market groups you will reach to test your concept.?
You can give out free products to get feedback.? Even if not the product itself you can use Big Data, Data Science and market research to test the reaction market groups may have to your logo, perhaps your packaging or any other ideas.? Perhaps it can be a survey to ask questions to test the perception and feedback.??
Make More Informed Decisions
Making in formed decisions can be anything from establishing pricing models at market entry and how your pricing and value matches with the competition.? Even if you are a luxury brand; I’m not saying that you have to low ball your price, your content should validate the value of the luxury brand.? You may for example have pricing that is very high and far exceeds veterans that have been around and proven their worth.? You haven’t earned their trust yet, you can use Market research to validate your price, as pricing is part of the equation.?
Or if consumers don’t even perceive your product as luxury but you do, so you charge higher and consumers won’t buy into it.? Again disassociating what you think from the consumer types is important. ? One must not assume that your potential customer will think like you.? Perhaps there is a group other there that does and if so that is the group you should go after or change your strategy to appeal to the market that is most profitable.?
In fact you may generate business for other brands because your price and perception of the product in the eyes of the consumer doesn’t add up so they will look for a similar brand that they perceive to be worth that price.??
Converting a customer is not as simple as throwing up advertisements. You have to influence and convince a consumer to buy.??
Compete More Effectively
I mentioned there are different stages and levels of competition.? Those who are like you, those that are indirectly like you and those who have a customer base that could be interested in your products or services.??
Having a competitive edge is made possible through strategic market research. We already stated repeatedly understanding the customer, in addition to the competition and how the market is being addressed whether it be positive or negative.? The positives show the bar you have to reach, the negatives show the opportunities you can explore to make advancements as a new brand.? Fitting into the marketplace is important and being able to grow beyond it is an art.
As mentioned as a new brand and want to establish ways to draw customers away from legacy brands, market research can help you find out where consumers are dissatisfied with these brands and their offerings through negative sentiment. By discovering these gaps, you can appeal to consumers’ and resolve their dissatisfaction and market yourself as a disruptive company with a superior solution.
Stay on Top of Trends
Sorry to repeat myself but staying on top of trends is another key factor… staying on top of trends will give you a competitive advantage.? Things don’t stay the same and if they do not for long.? Adapting and evolving is something we all have to be willing to do in order to stay alive. It depends on what you want.
Researching and discovering relevant trends can be done through secondary research; which we established earlier has a lot to do with public data sources of different kinds.? We can make use of industry reports, competitor research, perhaps Google Trends to see rising search patterns and associated search patterns.?
With the age of the internet and the world wide web, sentiment and perception can easily shift like a building domino effect.? Using big data and automation to understand consumer trends not only related to search patterns but purchase behavior, perhaps sufficient advertising channels, packaging preferences, features of a product, and data driven content.? Again no one is saying you have to mimic or copy a competitor; I am proposing that you assess the competition to find a competitive edge.
Market research is a very broad and a necessary tool. Let's develop a data driven strategy for your market research goals. Sign up for a consultation >>> Calendar
Build Online User Academies in 24 Languages | Quick Online Training for Busy Customers | Advisor & Target Segment Roadmaps for Startups
1 年Yes, this is how startups should begin their journey toward achieving product-market fit. They should do market research and create a Target Segment Roadmap that identifies the segment with the most potential and the smallest, most manageable target segment as their initial focus. Validate this target segment and once this is done, they should develop the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) more quickly and with fewer resources. Typically, many startups begin by developing the MVP first and then, once it's ready, they start conducting some form of market research to identify where potential customers for their unique MVP are located. Or they start to sell and one year later they start thinking why they are not closing deals.
Executive Advisor || Defense || Culture
2 年its SUPER important!!!! never sleep on this yall
?? Founder & Branch Director, | A branch representing Professional Investment Advisory Services [PIAS]
2 年I agree! In fact we shld do a pre-launch first to assess the demand before creAting the actual product. Thanks for sharing Samantha Glover , insightful indeed!
??“?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????????????????.” CIO, Mathematician, AI Consultant, Research Scientist, Data Science, ISO - Business Loan Broker
2 年Data should not only be quantitative such as what are the overall numbers, and averages but also qualitative to understand what products and services are made of and their influence within these groups. What are your thoughts?
??“?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????????????????.” CIO, Mathematician, AI Consultant, Research Scientist, Data Science, ISO - Business Loan Broker
2 年There is an increase in the growth of market research services in 2022. In 2021 the industry was worth around $75B and is expected to grow to over $90B by 2025 which is around a prediction of probable growth around 5%. This alone shows that there may be an increase in demand. From a numbers perspective is a limited view, the value of the industry shows that more businesses are investing in strategic market research. Which means these companies will have an edge… this number will continue to grow and businesses who are not informed may be left behind. What are your thoughts?