Market Reports: November 2024
Sandhills Global Market Reports Show Auction Value Trends for Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers for Year-End Sales

Market Reports: November 2024

The latest Sandhills Global market reports highlight inventory, auction value, and pricing trends for used construction equipment, farm machinery, commercial trucks, and semitrailers in Sandhills’ U.S. marketplaces as buyers and sellers enter the end-of-year auction season. The reports show, for example, that auction prices for agricultural equipment ticked up month over month in most categories in November (the compact and utility category was an exception), with combine harvesters leading the other farm equipment categories.

“High-horsepower tractor and combine inventory is still climbing while asking values are coming down,” says TractorHouse Manager Ryan Dolezal. “In both categories, auction values have been increasing but are now on a steady trend. Combine auction values increased more than other categories from October to November. Compact tractors, on the other hand, showed decreases across the board in inventory levels, asking values, and auction prices.”

Construction equipment inventory levels have been trending up for several consecutive months. “Looking at year-over-year comparisons, most equipment categories have seen inventory increases as they return to pre-COVID levels,” says Director of North American Construction Stephanie Olberding. “Still, we’re seeing slight month-over-month inventory decreases, and values are continuing to fall.”

In the used heavy-duty truck market, inventory trends continue to diverge, with day cab inventory steadily increasing while sleeper truck inventory decreases. “It’s important to recognize that asking and auction values for day cabs and sleeper trucks are following similar downward trends,” says Truck Paper Manager Scott Lubischer. “Used semitrailer inventory trends, meanwhile, are on a steady trend, but they’ve been decreasing month over month. If this pattern continues, it will transition to a downward trend.”

The key metric in all of Sandhills’ market reports is the Sandhills Equipment Value Index (EVI). Buyers and sellers can use the information in the Sandhills EVI to monitor equipment markets and maximize returns on acquisition, liquidation, and related business decisions. The Sandhills EVI data include equipment available in auction and retail markets and model-year equipment actively in use. EVI spread measures the percentage difference between asking and auction values.

Additional Market Report Takeaways

Sandhills market reports highlight the most significant changes in Sandhills’ used heavy-duty truck, semitrailer, farm machinery, and construction equipment markets. Key points from the current reports are listed below. Full reports are available upon request.

U.S. Used Tractors 100 Horsepower and Greater

  • Inventory levels in this market have been trending upward for several months. This trend continued in November, with inventory up 0.79% M/M and 23.53% YOY. Sandhills observed the largest M/M increase in the 100- to 174-hp tractor category, up 1.34%, and the largest YOY increase in the high-hp tractor category, up 38.18% YOY.
  • Asking values have been trending down for months and were down in November by 2.16% M/M and 6.41% YOY. The biggest drops were seen in high-hp tractors, down 2.63% M/M, and 175- to 299-hp tractors, down 8.37% YOY.
  • Auction values were up 0.17% M/M and down 14.38% YOY in November and are trending steady. The largest M/M increase occurred in the 100- to 174-hp tractor category, up 1.23%, and the most significant YOY drop was in high-hp tractors, down 16.03% YOY.
  • The EVI spread fell to 44% in November (down from 47% in October), but that figure is still greater than the historic highs set in 2015.

U.S. Used Tractor Market
U.S. Used Tractors Over 300 HP

U.S. Used Combines

  • Inventory levels of used combine harvesters in Sandhills’ U.S. marketplaces were up 0.99% M/M and 0.91% YOY in November. Inventory levels are trending down, reflecting a seasonal dip during harvest season, and are expected to rise.
  • Asking values ticked up 1.66% M/M, dipped down by 1.45% YOY, and are trending steady.
  • Auction values were up 5.52% M/M (a greater M/M increase than other farm equipment categories in November), down 7.53% YOY, and are trending steady.
  • The EVI spread fell from 56% in October to 51% in November but that figure is still higher than the previous record highs of 2015.

U.S. Used Combine Market
U.S. Used Combines Market

U.S. Used Sprayers

  • Inventory levels in this market have been rising for months. This trend continued in November, with inventory up 1.21% M/M and 23.09% YOY.
  • Asking values, however, are trending down. Asking values fell 3.25% M/M and 10.2% YOY in November.
  • Auction values were mixed in November, up 1.22% M/M and trending sideways despite a 21.39% YOY drop.

U.S. Used Sprayers Market
U.S. Used Sprayers Market

U.S. Used Planters

  • Inventory levels of used planters in Sandhills’ U.S. marketplaces were down 3.08% M/M and 1.71% YOY in November but are trending sideways overall.
  • Asking values were up slightly M/M, by 0.74%, but fell 9.7% YOY and are trending down.
  • Auction values were up 4.18% M/M but dropped significantly YOY, by 19.39%. Auction values are trending sideways.
  • The EVI spread in this category was 63% in November (down from 69% in October). This is a higher value than normal but still slightly lower than the historic values set in 2015 (the peak that year was 72%).

U.S. Used Planters Market

U.S. Used Compact and Utility Tractors

  • Sandhills has noted downward trends in inventory levels and values for used compact and utility tractors for several months. In November, inventory levels were down 0.76% M/M and 23.75% YOY, led by less-than-40-hp tractors, which posted a 28.69% YOY inventory drop.
  • Asking values have been trending down for 11 months and were again down in November. Asking values decreased 0.83% M/M and 5.44% YOY, led by less-than-40-hp tractors with a 6.41% YOY decrease.
  • Auction values have been trending down for nine months. Auction values decreased 0.87% M/M and 6.92% YOY in November, with less-than-40-hp tractors again leading the way, in this case with an 8.67% YOY decrease.

U.S. Used Compact and Utility Tractor Market

U.S. Used Heavy-Duty Construction Equipment

  • Inventory levels of used heavy-duty construction equipment in Sandhills’ U.S. marketplaces were down 1.08% M/M in November but 16.78% higher than year-ago levels and trending sideways. Compared to other categories, used wheel loaders posted the largest M/M inventory decrease at 2.07% and the largest YOY increase at 32.03%.
  • Asking values in this market decreased by 1.42% M/M and 6.48% YOY. The used crawler dozer category showed the steepest M/M asking value decrease at 1.98%, while the used crawler excavator category posted the sharpest YOY drop at 7.63%.
  • Auction values were essentially flat in November, with a marginal increase of 0.02% M/M, but were 9.38% lower than in November 2023 and are trending down. Used crawler excavator auction values increased the most M/M, at 2.7%, while the used wheel loader category led in YOY decreases with a 10.5% drop.

U.S. Used Heavy Duty Construction Market

U.S. Used Medium-Duty Construction Equipment

  • Inventory levels in this market dipped 1.14% lower M/M but increased by 19.2% YOY and are trending steady. The used wheel skid steer category led in both M/M inventory decreases, down 3.33%, and YOY inventory increases, up 29.17%.
  • Asking values have been trending downward for several months. Asking values were down 1.83% M/M in November, led by the used loader backhoe category, down 3.48% M/M. Asking values fell 5.99% YOY, with the used wheel skid steer category showing the largest YOY decrease at 8.62%.
  • Auction values have also been trending downward. Auction values ticked 0.88% lower M/M in November and fell 7.7% YOY. The used loader backhoe category showed the largest M/M decrease at 3.35%, while the used wheel skid steer category led other categories in YOY decreases, falling 12.38%.

U.S. Used Medium Duty Construction Market

U.S. Used Lifts

  • Sandhills’ U.S. used lift market has experienced nine months of inventory increases. The upward trend continued in November, with inventory levels rising 3.58% M/M and 19.58% YOY. The largest inventory increases were observed in the used telehandler category, up 6.41% M/M, and the used rough terrain scissor lift category, up 49.4% YOY, followed by used telehandlers, up 41.1% YOY.
  • Asking values decreased sharply in November, declining 5.84% M/M and 11.17% YOY, and are trending down. The most significant asking value decreases were in the used telescopic boom lift category, down 10.04% M/M, and the used telehandler category, down 13.01% YOY.
  • Auction values exhibited similar declines, dropping 4.58% M/M and 13.96% YOY in November, and are trending down. Sandhills noted the largest decreases in the used telescopic and articulating boom lift categories, down 8.77% and 8.54% M/M, respectively. Used telescopic boom lift auction values also dropped the most YOY, down 20.44% in November.

U.S. Used Lift Market

U.S. Heavy-Duty Trucks

  • Inventory levels of used heavy-duty trucks in Sandhills’ U.S. marketplaces have been trending down for several months. Inventory fell 2.28% M/M and 11.19% YOY in November as well. The used sleeper truck category posted the largest decreases, down 4.94% M/M and 33.67% YOY. By contrast, used day cab inventory rose 27.35% YOY.
  • Asking values increased slightly in November, by 0.83% M/M, but were down 13.25% YOY, continuing a downward trend that started over two years ago. While asking values in the used sleeper truck category ticked up 1.65% M/M, asking values for used day cabs dropped 14.04% YOY.
  • Auction values also continued a downward trend in November, increasing a mere 0.81% M/M but falling 17.84% YOY. The used day cab truck category showed the largest M/M auction value increase, up 2.74%, and the largest YOY decrease, down 21.02%.

U.S. Used Heavy Duty Truck Market

U.S. Used Semitrailers

  • Inventory levels in this market dipped 1.33% lower M/M but were 6.73% higher than year-ago levels. Used flatbed trailers posted the largest M/M inventory decrease, at 3.7%, as well as the largest YOY increase, at 23.08%.
  • Asking values were 1.39% lower M/M in November, marking 29 consecutive months of trending down, and were 18.58% lower YOY. Used drop deck trailer asking values decreased the most M/M at 2.46%, while used reefer trailers led YOY decreases, down 27.07%.
  • Auction values increased 0.57% M/M, decreased 16.53% YOY, and are trending down for the 27th consecutive month. Used reefer trailer auction values decreased 33.44% YOY, ahead of other semitrailer categories.

U.S. Used Semi Trailers

U.S. Used Medium-Duty Trucks

  • Used medium-duty trucks in Sandhills’ U.S. marketplaces showed inventory gains across the board in November, up 0.22% M/M and 8.33% YOY, and are following an upward trend. The largest inventory level increases occurred in the used moving box truck category, up 15.62% M/M, and in the used reefer box truck category, up 130.2% YOY.
  • Asking values in this market fell 1.08% M/M and 12.62% YOY in November, continuing a two-year downward trend. The used cab and chassis truck category showed the largest YOY asking value decrease, at 18.01%.
  • Auction values have also been trending down for roughly two years. Auction values decreased 2.56% M/M and 23.3% YOY in November. The used reefer box truck category showed the largest M/M auction value decrease, at 4.13%, while the used dry cargo/delivery box truck category led YOY auction value decreases, down 28.1%.

U.S. Used Medium Duty Truck Market

Obtain the Full Reports

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About the Sandhills Equipment Value Index

The Sandhills Equipment Value Index (EVI) is a principal gauge of the estimated market values of used assets—both currently and over time—across the construction, agricultural, and commercial trucking industries represented by Sandhills Global marketplaces, including,,,, and other industry-specific equipment platforms. Powered by FleetEvaluator, Sandhills’ proprietary asset valuation tool, Sandhills EVI provides useful insights into the ever-changing supply-and-demand conditions for each industry.


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