Market Leader Game

Market Leader Game


The landscape of the United States stock market is characterized by disparities in access to resources and opportunities. While some benefit from access to advanced technology, extensive data, and expert advice, many others are left behind, unable to navigate the complexities of financial markets. Market Leader Game (MLG) addresses the urgent need for equitable access to data-driven analysis and empowers everyone to participate meaningfully in the stock market.

The digital divide exacerbates inequalities within the financial sector, perpetuating a cycle of financial exclusion for marginalized communities. Access to technology, reliable data sources, and financial expertise disproportionately favors those with means, leaving others at a significant disadvantage. ?As a result, underrepresented individuals are often unable to make informed investment decisions or opportunities for wealth creation.

At the core of MLG lies the goal of financial inclusion - to ensure that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, has access to information needed to participate in the stock market on an equal footing. Central to achieving this goal is the provision of automated financial analysis that offers comprehensive insight into publicly traded companies. MLG goes beyond mere data access, providing users with scorecards that scale with financial services typically out of reach for many Americans.

MLG is a software solution designed to democratize access to financial analysis and empower individuals with informed investment decisions. Leveraging advanced algorithms and predictive analytics, MLG provides users with comprehensive data analysis and actionable insights into New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ-listed companies. This software levels the playing field and drives greater financial inclusion.

Addressing the digital divide and promoting financial inclusion are imperative for building a more equitable society. By providing access to data-driven financial analysis, MLG can empower anyone to participate meaningfully in the stock market and unlock opportunities for economic advancement. The goal of providing automated financial analysis with scalable scorecards is central to this mission, ensuring that everyone has the information they need to thrive in the financial world.

How it works

Market Leader Game (MLG) identifies stock symbols that will ?experience significant price increases over the next 12 months.? ?The software is using Monte Carlo simulation to calculate probable future earnings. ????Monte Carlo simulation is a computational technique used to model and analyze systems that involve uncertainty or random variables. It relies on repeated random sampling to estimate numerical results, often for problems that are difficult or impossible to solve analytically.?? Financial systems use Monte Carlo for:

  • Option Pricing: Simulating stock price paths to estimate the value of financial derivatives.
  • Portfolio Risk Analysis: Assessing the impact of market fluctuations on investment returns.

MLG selects stocks with the highest probable growth rates by combining and then comparing:

  • Monte Carlo-generated stock prices with probable growth rate next year,
  • Closing price last year and actual growth rates from the past 12 months, and
  • Financial analysis of income statements and balance sheets.

MLG scores every company in the NYSE and NASDAQ on a bell curve for several financial performance indicators including but not limited to:

  • Price earnings ratio
  • Liquidity ratio (assets minus inventory divided by liabilities)
  • Profit margins
  • Return on equity
  • Expense to revenue percentage

Table 1. MLG Financial Scorecard - Dave, Inc. example

Table 2. MLG Financial Scorecard - VRT example


Stock symbol list – A comma separated values (CSV) file containing a list of 5,000 stock symbols.????

Yahoo Finance - yfinance is a Python programming language library designed for accessing and retrieving financial data. It provides a method for fetching historical market data, financial statements, and other relevant information for stocks. ??Yahoo Finance is widely used in finance, investment, and trading applications.???? yfinance offers comprehensive data coverage and an application programing interface (API) for integration with applications like MLG.


MLG analyses 5,000 stock symbols to select 24 with the highest probable growth in a 12-month period.

Table 3. MLG Top 24

Automated process for generating a top 24 list from 5,000 stock symbols:??

Step 1:? Retrieve current price and last year close from Yahoo Finance.

Step 2:? If previous year’s growth rate for any stock symbol is 40% or greater then download stock prices for the past year from Yahoo Finance. Go to the next stock symbol in list if previous year’s growth rate is less than 40%.

Step 3:? Run Monte Carlo simulation with price table download to generate probable price next year if actual growth rate is 40% or greater.

Step 4: ??Download balance sheet and income statement data from Yahoo Finance if the probable growth rate for next year is 60% or greater.??? Go to the next stock symbol in the list if the probable growth rate is less than 60%.

Step 5:?? Generate MLG Financial Performance Scorecard for each stock symbol with 40% growth rate for previous year and 60% or greater probable growth.?? See scorecard examples in Tables 1 and 2.

Step 6:?? Save pertinent company data in top 24 CSV file if the MLG financial performance score is greater than 20 out of a possible 40 points.???? See Top 24 List in Table 3.??

?Results (first seven months)

88% average growth.?

Table 4. Actual growth rates from May and June 2024 acquisitions

Figure 1. Actual growth rate (May/June investments)

Conclusion – call to action

MLG automation takes you this far in your investment decision journey.??? The rest is up to you.?? It would have taken an army of financial analysts and mathematicians many weeks to sift through a mountain of data to generate the top 24 list.?? You have that list in this document.?? It is now time to use your knowledge, expertise, and instincts to pick your favorite five or ten out of the 24 in Table 3.

My recommendations on the remaining tasks and your role in the investment decision making process:

1.????? Check the difference between Traditional and Roth IRA.? Understand tax implications for each.

2.????? Think of your initial investment from MLG Top 24 list as proof of concept.?

3.????? Invest just a small percentage of the money that you have available for investing.?? Gradually increase that amount when you are satisfied that the information in this document is correct.

4.????? Open a brokerage account at Fidelity or E-trade.

5.????? Create links between your brokerage and bank accounts to transfer money into your IRA.

6.????? Invest in at least five stock symbols and diversify across sectors to mitigate risk.

7.????? If possible, invest in companies with products and services that you know and appreciate.

8.????? Research and look at recent financial news to verify the information in this document and to ensure that future earnings are not at risk by current events.

9.????? Investing sometimes feels like a roller coaster ride and MLG has a one-year time horizon. Prices will fluctuate up and down.?? Don’t panic.?? Try not to sell lower than you buy.?? Sounds obvious but remember this advice when prices trend down for a day or a week or even a month.

10.?? MLG is not a substitute for advice from a certified financial planner.?? Get a second and professional opinion from a certified financial advisor if you have any doubts about the information in this document.

Prices for stocks in MLG top 24 list have a sharp climb from last year close through current price to probable price next year.??? Figure 1 below shows an example of this sharp price increase from 2023 through probabilities for 2025 for five of the 24 stocks in the list. ?Additionally, all stocks in the top 24 list have a high financial analysis score from balance sheet and income statement data.?

Figure 2. Growth rate trajectory - my next five

Reach out to me if you have questions about using Market Leader Game for your wealth creation journey:


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