Market Insights #10
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Let's dive into the latest developments in e-mobility!
EIB funds Eldrive's expansion of electric vehicle charging stations in Eastern Europe
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a funding of 40 million euros to Eldrive for the installation of 10,500 electric vehicle charging stations in Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, and Latvia. The investment aims to accelerate the electrification of transportation in Europe and contribute to the Green Deal objectives. Eldrive, a leading operator in the region, already has over 800 charging stations in operation. The funding from EIB is part of a larger investment package of over 170 million euros to support the expansion of the Eldrive network.
Gireve’s View: We fully support our partner Eldrive in its expansion plan. The Eastern European region, although a late entrant, holds great potential. Dynamic players like Eldrive are key stakeholders to accelerate the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Nevertheless, those players will only be able to fully foster e-mobility upscale with financial support from banks and public institutions. As always, we will focus our efforts on advocating for seamless charging infrastructure. We consider it essential to build a network open to roaming and interoperable, following European and world standards to develop and meet tomorrow’s needs.?
Source: HotNews
Tesla and Fastned challenge German’s monopoly on fast charging at motorway service stations
Tesla and Fastned are challenging the German government in court over the extension of Tank & Rast's monopoly on fast charging at motorway service stations. Both companies argue for fairer, more open, and cheaper charging options. They believe that the concessions awarded in the late 1990s apply to fuel pumps, not charging stations. The court will decide whether the contract extension is legal and constitutes a material change that requires a separate invitation to tender. The outcome of the case will determine competition at rest areas in Germany. The proceedings will be taken to the European Court of Justice for clarification on the admissibility of amendments to existing concession agreements.
Gireve’s view: Charging along the highways is critical for e-Mobility development. As stated by electrive, this case is crucial for the future of fast charging infrastructure in Germany. The focus of the debate is competition and open market; it seems that this case is about the level of competition needed on highways, which are high-frequented areas where fast charging is needed. The outcome of the case has been postponed and should be announced soon. It seems to us that the EV driver experience should be at the center of the decision, and that the outcome should opt for the solution that will make charging most qualitative, easiest, and cheapest for the end consumers.
Source: electrive
City of Oslo wins E-Visionary Awards 2023 for Europe
After Rotterdam in 2022, the City of Oslo won the E-Visionary Awards 2023 for Europe at the Electric Vehicles Symposium in Sacramento, California. Oslo's commitment to zero-emission construction sites and its transition to electric vehicles earned them the award. The city aims for all public construction to be electric by 2025. Oslo was previously recognized as the Electric Vehicle Capital of the World and has been replacing combustion engine vehicles with electric ones. The use of electric construction machinery is seen as a crucial step towards a zero-emission economy.
Gireve’s view: Norway is known for its pioneering efforts in e-mobility. The country leads the way in the development of electric vehicles. Unsurprisingly, its capital city stands at the forefront of this revolution. In a remarkable feat, they have now embraced the use of electric construction machinery, earning them a well-deserved Award at EVS. At Gireve, we extend our unwavering support to all stakeholders, facilitating their transition from conventional to electric vehicles, as part of our commitment to a greener future.
Source: AVERE
SAE International and CharIN to Standardize Tesla's North American Charging Connector: NACS
SAE International will standardize the NACS charging connector developed by Tesla. This decision follows the switch from the SAE J1772 Combo charging standard to NACS by Ford, General Motors, Rivian, Volvo, and others. SAE and CharIn will assist in making NACS a new standard, with an expedited timeframe. The standardization process aims to provide certainty, choice, reliability, and convenience to manufacturers and suppliers. It will establish a consensus-based approach for maintaining NACS and ensuring its performance and interoperability. This is part of the broader initiative to strengthen the North American EV charging infrastructure, including cybersecurity and reliability design. A single charging plug for electric light-duty vehicles will be available in North America, while heavy-duty vehicles will have their own suitable connectors.
Gireve’s view: In our recent newsletter, we highlighted the significance of standardization concerning the NACS connector. The proactive efforts undertaken by SAE and CharIN demonstrate the dynamic nature of the ecosystem. We will see how the standardization is implemented and followed by all players, ensuring EV charging interoperability. It will be also interesting to see if further interoperability is required, such as Plug & Charge compatibility. At Gireve, we stand for the solutions that best meet EV drivers’ needs, and we believe that interoperability is key to facilitate the EV charging experience.
Source: insideevs
Assessing the transition: ICCT's evaluation and rating of major auto manufacturers' progress towards Electric Vehicles
ICCT evaluated the progress of major auto manufacturers in transitioning to electric vehicles and rated them based on 10 metrics. The rating considers current and future efforts, including fleets, production processes, plans, policies, and priorities. The report focuses on the top 20 vehicle manufacturers by sales in 2022 and provides a quantitative and transparent rating. The automakers are categorized as leaders (Tesla and BYD), transitioners (European and legacy American manufacturers), or laggards (Japanes and Indian manufacturers) based on their scores. Many automakers score well on at least one metric, but there is room for improvement for all.?
Gireve’s view: In the shifting landscape of the automotive industry, legacy car manufacturers are undergoing a significant transformation as they shift from conventional combustion engine vehicles to the realm of electric mobility. However, this transition is not without its challenges, as these manufacturers grapple with the need for radical change. This comprehensive report sheds light on the progress made by these industry players, providing a great macroscopic view. Recognizing their pivotal role, car manufacturers emerge as key catalysts driving this transition.
Source: icct