Market Fundamentals. March 2022
SeQuant Capital LLC
SeQuant Capital LLC is an Asset Management and Consulting firm focused on alternative investments in Digital Assets.
Some recent data and fundamentals on the market and Bitcoin in particular (as of March 2022):?
19 million Bitcoins out of 21 million have already been mined. "That's all folks".
?1 BTC = 20.7 ounces of gold?
Number of companies with BTC on the balance sheet: 68?
= 1 million 495 thousand BTC?
= 7.12% of all BTC?
= $65 billion?
Hash Rate?
Consider the Hash rate as the health of the network, the higher it is, the more secure the network is, and the more transactions it can process faster and cheaper.?
November 2021: 149 EN/s (162 EN/s peak to ban in China)?
March 2022: 205.66 EN/s???
Lightning ??
Network Capacity 3,701 BTC?
#channels 86,264 (80,000 as of November 2021)
?#nodes 36,343 (18K)?
In conclusion, some interesting facts:??
Fact. "Network effect" and "exponential" growth of technology in figures: For technology, propagation from 0 to 10% takes the same amount of time as 10 to 90%. In other words, if and when the technology starts to be used by 10% of people = users after the same number of years as the growth took from the emergence to reaching 10%, the technology will reach 90% of all people = users. The remaining 10% is much slower. This has happened with the internet, phones, plasma panels and even refrigerators.?
Bitcoin and DA (digital assets) globally are at the threshold of 10%, and in some countries have crossed this milestone and reached 20-25% (for example, in the States). Bitcoin is 13 years old, therefore, according to the "network effect", by 2035, 90% of the world's population (7.92 billion people for 2022) will use Digital Assets.?
Fact. In the first 10 years after the abolition of the "gold standard", when Gold became tradeable/investable asset, its volatility was comparable to the current volatility of Bitcoin.?
Fact. The U.S. government owns 1.5% of all Bitcoins. These are Bitcoins "arrested" in various criminal cases.??
Fact. Last year, global GDP grew by $15 trillion. 50% of this is the digital economy.
Sincerely yours,?SeQuant Capital.