Market First, Sell Second: Understanding the Sales Process
"You can't sell without a market." That's a given. But let's delve deeper. First, let's talk about marketing.?Marketing?is about developing clever ways to showcase companies' or individuals' products or services. The TV ads grab your attention, the social media posts pop up on your feed, the flyers that land on your doorstep, the business cards you collect, the newspapers you read, the billboards you pass, and even the direct salespeople you encounter.
Marketing, in its essence, is the beacon that brings awareness to potential customers. It's not just about selling; it's about making your product or service known. Without marketing, your offering would rarely be seen or known. This is where the power of marketing shines, paving the way for sales to follow suit.
So, what's sales in plain language? It's about turning potential customers into buyers and turning viewership into profit. In other words,?a sale is when you exchange a product or service for money. But here's the catch-you can't make a sale without marketing. And you can't market anything if you have nothing to sell. But remember, you can always sell yourself. No, not in that way. You know what I mean. It's simple but not always easy. Until it becomes second nature. So, the process is to clear a market, create a product or service you want to sell, develop a strategy, test its efficiency, and refine your systems through market analytics, research, and data.