Market Development for Brazilian companies in Europe
I recently had the opportunity to travel during 03 weeks in Germany, crossing the country from north to south, visiting potential customers as well as prospecting new ones at the FMB- Zuliefermesse, in Bad Salzufeln and at the Agritechnika, in Hannover.
It was a great experience, and I could confirm my feeling that there is a huge space to be conquered on the European market.
One of our company (Tecnomarket Consulting) main goal is driven to the export market development for the casting industry, as well as to other technologies as for example Rubber Technical Components.
The reception at the companies I visited as well as at the exposer’s booths at both fairs was very friendly, and despite the fact that they do not make business with Brazilian companies right now, they showed themselves completely open to new opportunities and interested on knowing the Brazilian companies potential.
Brazilian companies have the necessary quality and competence to offer to the international market, although a hard work must be done to achieve the necessary competitiveness against suppliers from countries like China, India and even from European countries.
We are convinced that we have a great potential to offer the international market, and will continue with our efforts in 2018 with an even greater energy driven to the market development.
One of our projects is to be present at the Hannover Fair 2018 with a good number of Brazilian foundries together with the Brazilian Foundry Association, ABIFA, to restart a broken cycle of successful exposures we had in Hannover in the past, resulting on a great number of new business opportunities for those who believed on their competence to expand their business frontiers.