Mark Thompson knows what it's like to have his home broken into
Richard Harmer
Corporate Communications Advisor | 1.5% Globally Ranked Podcast Host | Author | Publisher | Founder UNCOM Media Inc. | Co-Founder Visit EastDallas Media | Partner The Sharkitech Group
Q) Reflecting on the tragedy of losing your father, and then experiencing a home burglary, what helped you rise above those dark moments to build something so successful and meaningful? Was there a defining moment where you chose resilience over bitterness?
????????????? A) When my Dad was killed in 1978, it was a tough time for my Mom and my brothers. My Dad’s wristwatch stopped just after 6 PM that night on an old highway just west of my hometown of Paris, Texas, on his way to take my younger brother deer hunting the very next morning. The funeral (in Paris) a few days later was a dark overcast day, just miserable. And I remember getting back to my grandparents house that evening after a long day, and getting a phone call from my neighbors with even more bad news…our house had been completely ransacked and the police were there. We were blindsided and just plain devastated. What kind of person(s) could do something so cruel? I remember my Mother was just simply cried out, and to see your Mom so completely at bottom, just broke my heart, and left me bitter to say the least. Coming home the next morning to a home that was a wreck, covered in finger print dust was like something out of a bad movie.
Q) Smith Thompson Security has become a household name, protecting countless families. Do you ever think about how your father would view the legacy you’ve created?
????????????? A) I was a commercial flight instructor out of Addison Airport at the time and building hours to become an airline pilot, my dream. My best friend Jim Smith, a flying buddy, was working as a commercial CCTV salesman for a company in Dallas. As a result of this break in, I became fascinated with home security systems, which at the time were extremely expensive and typically only the rich even had them. Jim and I came up with a simpler solution for a more affordable type of residential alarm system that most anyone could afford. So, our company was born out of a tragedy, plain and simple. I became obsessed with providing protection to families in the DFW area at a very affordable cost. It certainly helped me deal with the loss and the bitterness.
Q) You’ve faced unimaginable challenges, yet you’ve built a business centered around keeping others safe. How has your personal journey shaped the way you view security and the role it plays in people’s lives beyond just protecting physical things?
????????????? A) My Dad had been the editor of the Paris News, and then was the public relations and basically a lobbyist for the soon to be activated Comanche Peak nuclear plant, for Texas Power & Light company, what is now TXU Energy. I came from a family where you were expected to go to college…and then get a job. I wanted to be an airline pilot, but I think my Dad would be proud. He always had me and my brothers backs.
Q) Adversity can be paralyzing. What would you say to someone who is facing a seemingly insurmountable odds?
?????????????? A) Building a business was a challenge, in the beginning years, we had the Iranian hostage crisis, interest rates sky rocketed. I remember borrowing about ninety thousand dollars from a bank with my Mom’s stock as collateral. Then, seemingly overnight, our interest rates went from around seven percent to twenty two percent! It was awful, and I lost a lot of sleep needless to say, but we paid every dime back, even with bankers breathing down our backs. But it was all worth it, helping local families gain some piece of mind in their homes, affordably. I still have many, many of my first customers who became dear friends. It’s interesting, Jeff (Skin) Wade’s sweet Mom Betsy, was literally the fifth or sixth customer we ever served and we’ve done probably 4 or 5 systems for them. Wonderful customers we have had indeed!
Q) Your success is evident, and I’ve seen firsthand how big your heart is, but what are you most proud of?
?????????????? A) My faith has kept us going in the good times and bad. My wife Lynda and I have worked together side by side for over 46 years, since we started the company while we were still dating! Husbands and wives can work together, it’s just hard sometime since when we argue or butt heads, she’s usually right! Again, my faith is everything and the best way to lead anyone or anything is to be a servant and get your hands dirty, like everybody else.
Q) What do you want your kids and grandkids to remember you for?
?????????????? A) One day, I’ll get to tell my Dad all the stories and events that have taken place since 1978, and what a day that’ll be! The vision I have now is to position the company carefully for my children and our grandchildren. I just hope they remember their Grandpa as someone that would help anyone, regardless of their station in life.