Mark My Words… Reviewing Predictions from Remote Work Prophets
According to a PwC report released earlier this year, 83% of employers and 71% of employees believe their company’s shift to remote work has been a success.?
At Oyster , it’s something we always believed would happen but I’ve heard many predictions that it wouldn’t.
Here are some of my favourite reasons why and my take on whether they came true or not.?
“If people are having to go into the office two days a week, then the whole benefit of remote working is deleted completely”
As the world opens up, many companies have realised that work exists on a spectrum, from “full-time in the office” on one end to a fully distributed workforce on the other. No company is the same and many are in the process of finding where they lie on that spectrum and what works best for them. Some companies thrive on two days a week in the office, others on none at all.
It’s a process of trial & error and change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to find the right balance and the right tools to make hybrid working effective.
But, we’re heading in the right direction.
“The social side of work, like desk chatter and Friday afternoon drinks, won’t be possible”
Distributed work hasn’t meant that work’s become less social. It’s just changed the way we socialise at work.
At Oyster, we encourage those living close to each other to meet in-person and believe other companies should do what they can to facilitate this, where they can.
Friday afternoon drinks can certainly still happen albeit they might need a more concerted effort to organise.?
“Remote Rejection: Certain demographics and generations will reject the transition.”
While it may be true that some demographics have been more keen to work in person than others, we’ve not seen a wholesale rejection of the transition.?
For the most part, employers have been responsive to the needs and wants of their workforce, and have built a sense of flexibility into their future plans.?
They’ve conducted broad-based listening exercises, across their organisations, and have redefined work to suit the majority of their employees.?
“What your job title is will become more irrelevant as remote work becomes more prominent”
While the rise of distributed work has changed how we work, the need for a strong internal structure has always remained the same.
Knowing who your team and leaders are is still instrumental in a company’s direction and growth.
These are just four of my favourite reasons. While none came true, I’m incredibly glad that, throughout the pandemic, people’s concerns and predictions were so openly discussed. It’s been vital in helping businesses, such as Oyster, to build a future of work that works for all.