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I was speaking with a former client yesterday.

Claire is a poster child for continuously challenging yourself to grow.

In the last two years she has finished a masters degree and resigned a blue chip corporate role for a startup gig.

She’s recently left that startup to join a major bank in an exciting new change and marketing position.

Throughout it all, Claire has kept moving and learning.

Whilst the startup did not succeed and she didn’t enjoy the work, she valued the experience.

We agreed that, to enjoy happiness and professional success today, you have to maintain momentum.

You have to identify and then tackle your next thing.

This is especially true as we become older.

Claire is 53 and I am 58.

The world wants to paint us as old, slow to change, technologically challenged and stuck in our ways.

There’s no truth to it (for us), but it’s a very common attitude that we have to combat.

Claire reeled off a list of statements about the mindset we need to adopt.

No More Excuses

You can’t be on autopilot any more

Why am I here?

She’s 100% correct.

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At the heart of most stories and movies is a narrative framework called ‘The Hero’s Journey’.

It starts with an unexpected event that sets a reluctant hero off on an adventure of discovery, risk, companionship, trial, suffering and battle before re-emerging into their world transformed.

The hero is always unwilling.

They don’t see themselves as special, brave or talented.

The only thing they must do to start their ‘Hero’s journey’ is to ‘Answer the Call’ when it comes. When faced with a challenge they decide to meet, not reject it.

This single – courageous – choice means they leave their status quo and begin a new adventure.

The alternative - that we all to often choose - is to ‘refuse the call’. That’s to deny that we hear it or tell ourself why it’s not a good idea.

The time’s not right. We’re better off staying where we are (stuck, unhappy, underpaid/undervalued).

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I’ve detailed the many ways that Claire has answered her own call to adventure.

She could have stayed (safe?) in her original corporate role, unfulfilled.

She could have stuck it out in the startup, waiting for the money to come.

But she did not. She kept moving, learning, growing and has now landed a plum job, with many more opportunities in the pipeline.

You probably have your own ‘calls to adventure’.

Ideas, job offers, business ideas, new places you want to work?

NOW is the time to answer the call.

Doing nothing has the illusion of security, but is that true?

All you need is the courage to begin.

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If you’d like to put in place a plan for your own adventure, I’d love to set up a call. Comment CALL and we’ll be in touch.



