Mariner East Opponents Continue to Fight Finished Pipeline!
Mariner East opponents are fighting an already finished pipeline. One can only conclude they’re doing so to raise money for themselves and future endeavors.
Opponents of the Mariner East projects once again are appealing to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to shutdown both the existing Mariner East 1, which has been operating safely for years, and Mariner East 2, which is expected in service before the end of the year. Opponents claim communities do not have the information they need regarding pipeline safety — a point that has been proven false time and again.
This is a last-ditch effort by opponents to shut down the projects. Unfortunately, the hearing, which got under way this week, will be held before the very same PUC administrative law judge whose highly questionable ruling in May affected ME1, ME2 and ME2x, shutting down operations and construction for weeks until the decisions eventually were overruled and overturned by the full PUC.
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