Marine Generators: Your Power in the Seas

Marine Generators: Your Power in the Seas

According to the international maritime rules, marine generators produced for use on boats and ships are designed to provide energy to sailors in the most comfortable way.

Marine generators placed on the deck or in the interior provide all the energy needed, ensuring the operation of electronic devices, lighting and other systems.

Generators can be selected in different powers according to the size of the boat and the electricity requirement. Generators with diesel engines are usually preferred.

Aksa Power Generation which has more than 40 years of industry experience, as the sole authorized seller of Cummins Onan of marine generators, the world-famous generator engine manufacturer, offers quiet, reliable and environmentally friendly energy solutions suitable for the marine industry.

Cummins Onan Generator

Marine generators, which are specially produced in different power types and sizes for boats and ships, primarily focus on the use of limited space. In this context, due to the fact that there are too many space problems on boats and ships in these generator sets, the system in which the engine is cooled using a heat exchanger is preferred instead of the radiator, which is the part with the largest area of land generator sets.

To find out more information about marine generators, you can visit our website or contact customer service.

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Marin Jenerat?rler: Denizlerdeki Gücünüz

Uluslararas? denizcilik kurallar?na g?re, teknelerde ve gemilerde kullan?lmak üzere üretilen marin jenerat?rler, denizcilere enerjiyi en konforlu bi?imde sunmak üzere tasarlan?yor.

Güverteye veya i? k?s?mlara yerle?tirilen marin jenerat?rler, ihtiya? duyulan tüm enerjiyi sa?layarak elektronik cihazlar?n, ayd?nlatma ve di?er sistemlerin ?al??mas?n? sa?l?yor.

Jenerat?rler, teknenin boyutuna ve elektrik ihtiyac?na g?re farkl? gü?lerde se?ilebilir. Genellikle dizel motorlu jenerat?rler tercih edilir.

Aksa Jenerat?r, 40 y?l? a?k?n sekt?r deneyimi ile dünyaca ünlü jenerat?r motoru üreticisi Cummins Onan marin jenerat?rlerin tek yetkili sat?c?s? olarak, denizcilik sekt?rüne uygun, sessiz, güvenilir ve ?evre dostu enerji ??zümleri sunmaktad?r.

Cummins Onan Generator

Tekne ve gemiler i?in ?zel olarak farkl? gü? tiplerinde ve boyutlarda üretilen marin jenerat?rler, ?ncelikle k?s?tl? alan kullan?m?na odaklan?yor. Bu kapsamda bu jenerat?r setlerinde teknelerde ve gemilerde yer sorunun ?ok fazla olmas? nedeniyle kara jenerat?r setlerinin en büyük alana sahip par?as? olan radyat?r yerine heat exchanger (e?anj?r) kullan?larak motorun so?utuldu?u sistem tercih ediliyor.

Marin jenerat?rler hakk?nda daha fazla bilgi edinmek i?in web sitemizi ziyaret edebilir veya mü?teri hizmetleri ile ileti?ime ge?ebilirsiniz.

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