Maree Designs Kiwi Fashion
Maree Wells
Welcome I am a Christchurch local designer. Specialist for the fuller figure. Come and chat at the Brighton market Every Saturday.People are welcome to come around home in Christchurch to view.
2024 is an exciting time as I sort out a new catalogue to show what you can order in your favorite size and colors. Specialist for the fuller figure.
I love designing one of a kind Tee patchwork bohemian inspired dresses.
Clients can come around home and pick the right size tee and fabrics to order a one of a kind creation.
If visiting Christchurch be sure to contact me and arrange a time to view.
I am a free-spirited entrepreneur who has designed and produced thousands of garments over the years. I also specialize in hippy influenced tie dyed garments.
Kiwi collection of designer clothing. Specialist for the fuller figure.
Over 25 years designing experience.
Motto: No matter what shape or size, everyone is entitled to look great and that is what I aim to achieve 100% Customer Satisfaction.
Be sure to check out my Trade Me store often as I list one of a kind creations.
You can find me at the Brighton Seaside Market every Saturday. (Beach End.)
I love it when new customers find me and walk away with wearing the garment.
Weddings can be so expensive these days so I love designing one of a kind gypsy influence dresses for that ideal beach wedding at affordable prices.
Yes Stevie Nicks influenced me growing up. Lets chat and design a dress for your special day. Click the link and view my U Tube video
I love designing hoodies for the fuller figure.
These sell like hotcakes at the market. Click the link and view my U Tube Video.
You can now find my clothing range at the Brighton Art Gallery.
Open Mon-Sat 10-4pm Sunday's 10-2pm
Read my blog review.
Read my full review here.