Marching In Unison
[ Of course, these fine fellows aren't marching, but it supports the theme for this month. ]
Why do people join teams? Or clubs? Or societies?
To be around like-minded individuals who want to go in the same direction.
Logical, right?
But what happens when you throw a bunch of different people and personalities and backgrounds and experiences and likenesses and differences all together? Well, what you can start to see is a disparity that may challenge the very purpose of unity.
Today, let's have a look at moving in unison through the lens of faith, joy, love and hope!
Faith Every Day
To be a part of anything requires some faith on your part.
The PTA - You have faith that parents and teachers together want to unite for better educational outcomes.
The military - We have faith that our service will keep our fellow servicemen and the people of our country safe. Our service to the nation matters.
Girl Scouts of America - You guessed it; its about much more than the awesome cookies.
So, have faith in those around you who want to unite for a mission or cause that you both believe in.
Joy Every Hour
Same deal here. There wouldn't be a Friday Night Pinochle card game or a Badminton Club or Classic Car Club of America if it didn't bring people joy. I can't claim to know either about the first two, but my Dad owned a 1968 Chevrolet Impala with a 427 SS (super sport) engine.
The next time you are around a parking lot with a bunch of classic cars pulled next to one another, go ask any owner about his or her car.
If you have missed joy for some time, they will immediately remind you of what it looks and sounds like.
Love Every Minute
Sidebar: Anyone Love the time change? Hallelujah! Dark at 5:30 p.m. is for the - owls, I guess?
Do people love their cars? Their houses? Their new lawn mower or set of golf clubs? Yes, yes, yes and yes. As I mentioned a time or two before, love is a word in our culture that has been overused and in many ways cheapened in the way it is used.
All of us are entitled to how we define love. So, let's be sure that those around us are clear on the context, so we can ensure our most important displays of love aren't missed.
Hope In Each Second
Acting in unison, striving for unity or moving in a unified direction wouldn't be important to any of us if we didn't have a collective hope. Hope is a driving force from where we are now to where we want to be.
The journey isn't easy if it's worth it.
Have hope in each step.
Until tomorrow,
Choose Hope -
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