March Update
Not gonna lie, last time I did one of these monthly updates, I was full of fear and doubt.
Financially, not much has changed since then, but my mindset has done a complete 180!
The way I see it, I'm right on track.
I've been talking about a shift lately.
I've spent so much time cultivating my subconscious mind that now I'm starting to feel it in my conscious mind.
A bunch of little things manifesting that are starting to add up. Indicators that all of my efforts have been worth it.
My reality is about to start playing catch-up fast!
Here's my income to date:
Not great, I know.
25% of my timeline gone and less than 2% to goal.
But the change that needs to happen for me to hit my goal is small. And it's getting close. I can feel it.
I've gone through several iterations of my plan in the last 3 months. It got bloated in the middle, I was trying to do too much.
But I've cut back and streamlined everything.
I still have a lot of work to do, but the core strategy is simple:
So for this month, I have set the following goals:
And in my infinite time, I also need to do these things:
It's my Millionaire Mindset Business Checklist.
It's all the things I would do and how my business would look if it were generating a million dollars a year. I did this exercise once when I started this challenge and again the other night.
Ergo, I build this business and it does the work for me ; )
The problem is I'm currently stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I don't have the time or skills to do these all myself. Which means I need to hire experts to help me.
I've already started to build my team but quickly used up my budget as a result. I need to start selling more so I can make the next hire.
As the revenue flow increases, I'm going to reinvest it right back into these activities to compound on that growth.
I have everything I need. I am patient. I am grateful.
I'm really enjoying this challenge - it's fun!
Here's to another month : )
Join me on this journey...
I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. This is the Manifest a Million Challenge . Sunday through Thursday night, I publish a look at my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.
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? Selling making you sick? Book a Pipeline Health Check
?? And remember not to be Socially Awkward
Here's to getting better and better every day!