March Staking Contest

March Staking Contest

We are officially starting the March Staking Contest! Until March 14th stake as much as you can. 4 Lucky Winners will receive EQX drops in their wallets!

Giveaway period

Start: March 1st, 2022 at 00:00 UTC l

End: March 14th, 2022 23:59 UTC.

WHY participate?

4 lucky EQX stakers, one from each Tier, will WIN a 10% bonus of the amount staked in EQX!

HOW to WIN Rewards

Step 1: Be an EQIFi Newsletter subscriber. Subscribe?here.

Step 2: Stake EQX and you could WIN 10% of your EQX staking deposit.

  • Stake on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain or both at
  • Be part of any staking Tier.
  • Between March 1st, 2022 00:00 UTC and March 14th, 2022 23:59 UTC stake as much EQX as you want to and automatically enter the March Staking Contest Draw.
  • Be one of the four lucky winners and win 10% of the EQX deposited in March.

* Having trouble connecting your Metamask? Watch the tutorial?here?or contact our?support team.

**Need help staking your EQX tokens, watch our Tutorial:?How to Stake EQX in Less than 3 Minutes?or contact our?support team.



The Draw

All eligible stakers will enter the drawing phase, which will take place on March 17th, 2022.

  • There will be 4 separate draws, one for each Staking Tier.?
  • Each draw will have only one winner.?
  • At the end of this contest there will be one Tier 1 Winner, one Tier 2 Winner, one Tier 3 Winner and one Tier 4 Winner.
  • Each lucky staker wins 10% of the amount they staked between March 1st 00:00 UTC and March 14th 23:59 UTC.
  • The rewards are distributed in EQX.


Q:?What if I stake EQX during this period but I am not T1 by the end of the contest?

A: Sorry, only users that reached T1 or above are eligible for the drawing. Hang in there!

Q: Do I qualify for the contest if I am already T1 or above?

A: Yes. Anything you stake between March 1st, 2022 00:00 UTC, and March 14th, 2022 23:59 UTC counts towards the 10% bonus in EQX.

Q: What if I stake EQX and reach a higher tier?

A: You are eligible and will participate in the drawing for the highest tier reached by the end date.

Q: If I am already Tier 4 and I stake additional EQX, do I still qualify for this contest?

A: YES. Everyone in Tiers 1-4 is qualified and has a chance to win a 10% bonus, based on EQX staked.

Q: Depending on the Tier, is there a minimum amount I should stake?

A: As long as you are part of a staking Tier by March 14th 23:59 UTC, anything you stake counts towards the prize.

Terms & Conditions

This promotion is neither directed at a particular jurisdiction nor intended as an offer, inducement, solicitation, or endorsement in respect to investment business in any jurisdiction in which the same is prohibited or restricted, and is subject to the provisions of the “Promotion Terms and Conditions” available at together with the following additional terms:

  • The contest is live from March 1st, 2022 00:00 UTC until March 14th, 2022 23:59 UTC.
  • Failure to complete all steps will disqualify participants.
  • In the event that a draw produces an ineligible participant, it will be repeated until an eligible participant is identified.?
  • During the event, should any cheating or manipulative behavior be found (as determined by EQIFi in its absolute discretion), the relevant participant will be ineligible and disqualified.
  • Every EQIFi active account registered in either one of the Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 or Tier 4 will automatically enter one of the 4 draws according to the Terms and Conditions.
  • Winners for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 and Tier 4 prizes will be selected using on March 17th, 2022.
  • All rewards will be distributed in EQX tokens at an exchange rate determined by EQIFi in its absolute discretion.
  • All rewards will be distributed in EQX tokens by April 2022.
  • EQIFi reserves all the rights of final determination for the contest, or to terminate it at any time.
  • EQIFi reserves the right of final interpretation of this announcement and applicable terms.

Risk Reminder

EQIFi kindly reminds you that cryptocurrencies and digital assets are innovative investment products with high investment risk due to price fluctuations, volatility and/or illiquidity. Please make sure to have a full understanding of digital assets before investing, rationally judge your investment ability, and make prudent decisions to suit your circumstances, based on independent advice. Risk disclosures and disclaimers apply and can be found at

Good Luck!

EQIFi Team

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