March Newsletter: Learn How to Work with Mission-Driven Innovation Through Design
DDC – Dansk Design Center
DDC styrker danske virksomheder og organisationers evne til at arbejde designdrevet
New Mission Playbook: Learn How to Work with Mission-Driven Innovation Through Design
We're welcoming Spring with new cases and learnings in our Mission Playbook – helping you take the next, or first, step. Sharpen your knowledge of behavioral design by joining the launch of our new toolkit or read an article on behavioral economic principles.
Monthly highlight: Understanding Behavioral Economic Principles to Design for a Better Future
Applying design approaches and using behavioral design principles positively can contribute to moving our society in a more circular direction.
In this article, Therese Balslev highlights six behavioral economics principles to start considering in your everyday practice – whether you’re a maker, designer, entrepreneur, or something else.
?Find out what the principles are here. ?
We're back again in April. ?
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