March MADness
It is a fun time of year if you are a college basketball fan. I love basketball and have spent the last few days watching lots of basketball at the men’s SEC tournament in Nashville, Tn. ?It is interesting to me to observe how the head coach’s personality influences the team. The discipline, passion, attitude, and?energy all come from how the head coach leads his team.
The same is true with us. Our personality greatly influences those around us. Becoming self-aware of our words and behavior is critical to?successful relationships. This is called EQ or emotional intelligence. Choosing to ignore this part of our lives can yield devastating results for us and those we care about.
The first step is understanding your personality. The second is understanding the personality of others. I invite you to take a minute and take a free short assessment online.?This is called the MAD (Make A Difference) personality assessment.
This month, we will look at the four personality types that will help you better understand yourself and those within your circle of influence. Please don’t blow this off as just another useless personality exercise. What we are going to discuss can literally change your life. A friend and senior executive who has been leading for over 40 years told me: “The MAD personality tools and content changed my life and leadership”.
It can do the same for you. Choose to invest in growing your EQ. When you do, March MADness will make a difference in the lives of those you love, live with, and lead.