March is a GREAT time for freight (and not just the start of produce)
Man it feels good to turn the calendar to March. Longer and warmer days (hopefully), more sunshine… and more freight! Typically in March we see the attention of carriers turn to getting their trucks into Florida, the Southeast and Texas to get the high paying produce loads. However, that attention could prove great for you as well. While those regions are typically expensive to ship to, the next 8-12 weeks can bring much cheaper rates on loads going into them (carriers need a reason to head that way, why not take a load and get paid to get down there J). Full loads, Partials and Volumes all will bring cheaper rates for loads going to these regions. If you are working on any loads (whether in the planning stages OR you are nearing ship date), please let me know if I can be of assistance at getting you aggressive rates with the top carriers.
LTL rates continue to be aggressive throughout the country. Fuel is remaining low and carriers want to keep their trucks full.
March is a GREAT time to get your freight a’ movin.
I’m here to help find you the best way to ship.
Call or email for help // 913.440.9132 or [email protected]