March fourth - Marching Orders
I believe business is a way for us to improve who we are personally, make the world around us a little better every day, and a vehicle to generate an overflow for our overall purpose.
This year has started off great, not without wrinkles and an occasional hiccup of course. However, looking at how things have transpired and the ability to be very clear on where I have been and where I am now gives me great vision on how to get where I – and my clients – want to go. The deep dive introspectively has been extremely beneficial in discovering why I want to accomplish the mission of my heart, so to speak.
Bottom line, I have spent years seeking to find my spot, get out of the shadows, and break off limiting belief systems just so I can do what I do the best and experience what I like to do the most: helping individuals in the marketplace. Alongside the introspective approach, I have discovered the intensity of learning how to organize and set up a system, or the infrastructure to be able to sustain what my clients do the best. This goes without saying, learning is a life-long journey.
So, what is the mission of my heart? I am glad you asked. My mission is to help others do what they do the best so they too can enjoy what they like to do the most. This year my goals are fixed on helping others do the same by accelerating the process through helping navigate the course, set clear objectives and get the desired outcome.
Would love to hear how your 2019 is progressing so far, and how I might help!
Set up your strategy call here:
All the best,
Brian Dobbs