March Energy Report - Expect More Crisis and Chaos. What Can You Do?

March Energy Report - Expect More Crisis and Chaos. What Can You Do?

The night skies had seven planets lining up, something that doesn't happen very often. Pluto is in Aquarius where he'll remain for 20 years. He is vacillating this year between two Human Design gates: 41 of imagining a future and 60 where we struggle to move forward. The North Node is in gate 36 which is crisis. The Sun will get there for 6 days this month, Venus will end there, Saturn goes into gate 36 on the 17th and Jupiter is in 35, a gate of experience.

All I can say is "Hold on!"

The world order is turning upside down. What we knew to be true is no longer. We are witnessing a divergence from democratic values leading to a shift of blatant power grabbing. What's happening here in the US has global repercussions that we have only begun to feel.

People I talk to are feeling anxious. Angry. Reacting. Sad. Confused. Afraid. Demoralized.

That's how we are entering March.

What can you do?

I can only share what I am trying to do - perhaps you may find it helpful.

I know that we are in the cusp of energetic changes that are massive. We are witnessing the breaking down of structures and systems that have been built up the last 400 years that are no longer serving us well. The ideals of democracy are in crisis. Some are questioning whether these ideals ever were fully in practice. We are living in challenging times and there's nothing we can do to stop the evolution. It will be as messy as we let it be.

I have had a daily practice of journaling and oracle card pulls. I am adding a tapping and eco-meditation practice which I find helpful in coming to a peaceful place. Focusing on inner peace is one way I can survive the noise.

I created a 5-step process for me when I need peace of mind. It goes like this:

1) Detach. Let it go. Release the emotions that can get you stuck. Blow up if you have to but then release. Know what you can control and what you can't. Recite the Serenity Prayer over and over until you get it.

2) Come to stillness, quiet. Shut the TV off, Shut off social media. Reflect. Journal. Breathe.

3) Have faith in the Unknown. This one is hard. Whatever your belief or faith, there is a presence be it God, Allah, Spirit, Source. Trust that what is happening needs to happen as we evolve to better beings. I only hope I get to see it in my lifetime.

4) Replenish the SELF, restore, engage in self-care practices. Mine are my morning ritual, monthly floats, soft music, weekly visits with my 3-year-old grandson who keeps the woes of the world far away with his innocence.

5) Find joy and pleasure. If you aren't good for your SELF, you can't be good for anyone else.

How will you ride the waves that are intense and menacing?

What tips can you offer?

If you find you need, or want, guidance, please reach out.

#humandesign #energyreport #findyourpeace


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