March #Edu resources- part 4??

March #Edu resources- part 4??

Happy Saturday folks....and welcome to the fourth edition of March already.

This week I had the pleasure of catching up with Dave Smith , Chris Jones and Russell Prue up in Leeds at Trinity Multi-Academy Trust , we sadly didn't have quite the event we planned but, it was a lovely catchup nonetheless. I spoke at a fab event, which was very youth-focused and coordinated by Phoenix Sustainable Investments , where I talked about our region's economy, skills and the role of technology. It was lovely to meet Faraz Janan and talk #Ai ethics and the bigger picture. I also attended a really insightful event with Cambridgeand on Friday, talking about the broader Cambridge Ecosystem and opportunities for growth; it's really motivating to see so many amazing minds coming together to plan for the long-term success of the region.

?? Anyway, before we dive into the news, if you enjoy the read, please give this week's newsletter a share, and if you haven't already, subscribe here for future issues directly to your inbox. ??


Ok, let's dive in with a few Edu nuggets that I was fortunate to catch over the last week. Edu news loading ... ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ▉ █

?? Is it a bit big-headed to kick off my newsletter with one of my own articles? Well, consider me cranially-challenged then?, as this is an article from last week for SecEd Magazine, "EdTech & SEND: What to keep in mind" As you will likely be expecting, it is a work of genius (or perhaps just a useful roundup of #SEND considerations). I'll leave you to decide here.

?? This week has been #NeuroDiversityCelebrationWeek which, in addition to being a very long hashtag is, as the lovely folks at the Global Equality Collective shared a week for "embracing cognitive diversity + all things spiky profiles". Naturally, they had something perfect to share with their curated set of resources and 10 Books to help celebrate the week. Take a look here.

?? Just to add to the resources for #NeuroDiversity week, John Mikton curated a brilliant list of related articles that could keep you out of mischief for hours. Take a look at his excellent list of resources here.

?? I'm a sucker for a good #Podcast, and Edu Superstar Monica Burns, Ed.D is celebrating 5 years of the "Easy Edtech Podcast" which I highly recommend. She has some amazing content. So, in honour of reaching 5 years, the least I could do was a friendly shout-out to her. Have a look (and listen) here.

?? Always happy to include another great resource from Dr Pooky Knightsmith ( and Pooky I loved your posts about the Apple, big #Respect for sharing). This week's episode includes a discussion "Does it really matter where they sit", "How to listen so Children will talk" and much more. Always brilliant, so dive in here.

?? I always have plenty of time for the fab Jon Tait who alongside a shelf full of excellent books also helped curate some great resources with the team at From The Sidelines including his latest "1 min video to guide parents on how and when to schedule timely rewards for their son or daughter in order to help them get through exam season" Find out more and watch here.

?? A great share, as always, from Brian Host with an excellent post on "Unlocking Critical Thinking" with the Power of Visible Thinking Routines. I really enjoyed reading this, and I am sure you will too; take a look here.

?? Beth Havinga shared a post from the European Edtech Alliance with their latest newsletter. They are doing great stuff, so it is always worth checking out when you can. Have a read of the latest edition here.

?? On the topic of sharing excellent newsletters, you might also want to check out the GESS Dubai newsletter, which you can find here, you'll find articles from lots of contributors, including yours truly ;)

?? A bit of future gazing shared by Husa Alangari, PhD via IndustryWired "Tech Trends in Education: Future of Learning in 2024" which is a good read. I realised it was actually written 5 months ago, and we know how much can change in that timeframe, but I reckon it's all still valid. See what you think here.

?? A great share from Adriano Di Prato of a recent post by Guy Claxton "The Sciences of Learning and the Practice of Teaching" as Guy explains "There is much argument about learning, the practice of teaching and the purposes of education. So here is a handy “crib-sheet” of some of the areas of contention and misunderstanding." Definitely worth a read here.

?? One from a few months ago but worthy of sharing here, it's from the brilliant Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth who wrote for Edutopia - George Lucas Educational Foundation on "Developing Students’ Digital Citizenship Skills" and teaching students to develop an awareness of data security, online etiquette, and cyberbullying helps them make better decisions online. It's a great read here.

?? One for English teachers to take a look at, courtesy of a post I saw by Tim Eagling at TimeCapsule Education, some really interesting resources to help promote writing. It's not a promotion. I don't know them, but it looks like a resource worth exploring possibly and they have some special offers. Take a look here.

?? After a great share last week, Matthew Setchell shared another handy blog post, this time on "The Cloud - what does it mean for education". It's a great read for a context in the UK; naturally, in other markets where connectivity is not as developed, resilience can be a driving factor to stay local. Take a look here.

?? A great #AertsAlert from Carla Aerts that I know Melissa McBride ?? would recognise as a growing trend, "K-12 Hybrid Schooling Is in High Demand" - "A 2024 poll of parents reveals that 72% are considering, 63% are searching for, and 44% have selected a new K-12 school option for their children over the past few years. So, what type of education are they seeking?" Have a read here.

?? Mike Tholfsen shared a great "What's new in Microsoft Education Edu" summary for March this week, featuring everything from Learning Accelerators to #AI advancements. You can find the full update and summary here.

?? Ben Whitaker set us up for this week's FRiDEAS newsletter to share a quick formula "C = D+ V + F > R" where he will be unpacking Dannemiller's Formula for Change. Head over here to get your copy.

?? It was mentioned a few times this week, so just to keep on your radar, this resource from the Department for Education "Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges", you can find it here.

?? ok, now humour me on this one, there is a reason for including my "Ode to Ferdi the Cockapoo"

"Ferdi, my furry friend so true, A cockapoo with eyes of hue,

Your curly coat, a chestnut brown, Brings joy to all in this, my town.

With boundless energy, you bounce and play, Chasing squirrels throughout the day,

Your wagging tail, a happy sight, Fills my heart with pure delight.

Intelligent and quick to learn, Your tricks and obedience earn,

Admiring glances from passersby, As you sit, stay, and catch the eye.

Loyal companion, ever near, You chase away my doubts and fears,

A constant source of love and cheer, My precious Ferdi, forever dear."

Ok, so I won't be winning a Booker Prize any time soon, but I thought this was a fun segway to it being #PoetryMonth in April and that Monica Burns, Ed.D has shared "13 Poetry Month Activities for Students", do send me any other resources I can share for next month and in the meantime check out here resources here.

?? #Governance has never been more demanding and important across our school systems, the recent decision by the Department for Education to stop funding for Inspiring Governance is hugely shortsighted and a real contradiction to the growing role within our plan for "Strong and Sustainable" Academies. On a slightly more positive footing, The Schools & Academies Show shared a great interview with Jo Phillips of GovernorHub in their series "Insider Insights: Mastering School Governance" - have a read here.

?? Sean Harris FCCT shares an article from SecEd Magazine where he explores five common misconceptions and myths about #poverty. Highlighting that sadly, these myths sometimes exist in schools. You can find "Challenging the myths of poverty in school" from this link.

?? Some great listening and insights from the ISTE Edge Podcast shared this week by Kaylah H. and Olga Kazarina where they discuss the upcoming ISTE CL’s Global Conference. Have a listen here.

?? Watch back this webinar on #DEI in Education (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) where guests Yaritza Villalba and Victoria Thompson, M.S. share practical advice on prioritising DEI in your school. Watch here.


?? Are you an IT Manager, IT Technician or Network Manager, well if you are you'll be pleased to hear that the next ANME - Association of Network Managers in Education East of England meeting is next month on the 17th April and it's being hosted at the NetSupport HQ - you don't want to miss out on what are always lively and engaging events. Book your free seat here.

?? Just another friendly reminder from last week that the Global EdTech Awards are now open for submissions, I love these awards as all the relevant entries are anonymised, ensuring everyone is judged on a level playing field. Some great categories across #Edu and #Edtech. Take a look here.

?? A handy share from ARU Peterborough and, of course, very region-specific, but there is the Peterborough STEM festival coming up on the 29th of April for all schools across the region. If this includes you, then take a look at this link for more details.

?? Mark Taylor The folks at the national association for primary education nape have their #SEND conference on 26th April - always a good one, including a keynote on "SEND and the Law" by Janice Wearmouth . You can get your tickets here.

?? Olly Lewis and Dave Leonard have a new webinar coming up. With budgets getting squeezed more and more, they explore how you can use technology to help you be more efficient and save your school money. Register for free here.

?? The AoEA - Association of Education Advisers are hosting a FREE briefing seminar on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 on the International Quality Standard – your key to unlocking better outcomes for your students, schools, and communities. Find out more from this PDF.


?? Just a reminder, Richard Culatta announced ISTE 's partnership with 英特尔 to launch a Digital Innovators Challenge for High School Students! The winning teams get the opportunity to join them in Denver for #ISTELive. Check it out and spread the word to any high school students who are ready to take on the challenge! Details are here.

?? The fab Charlie Rosier is looking for some help. She is on a mission to speak with as many parents as possible about their lives. I could try and explain more, but she does it perfectly in her post here, and please do reach out to her if you can.

?? One from Monica Burns, Ed.D who shared "?? The Coding for Climate project is here! It invites global classrooms to participate in an online collaboration experience to explore climate action through coding." She is partnering with Take Action Global and EARTHDAY.ORG to share this free, global collaboration project. Find out more here.

?? Caroline Keep is looking for more insights from #Edtech experts for her research work, anyone can request to be part of the study. She's Looking for a few last slots #SENCOS #ASN in Wales and Scotland, a Trust Leads in particular - sign up here.

?? Just as a friendly request, reviews from readers really help on Amazon, so if you have any of my books and enjoyed them, please take a couple of minutes and leave a quick review here - thank you!


There are a few nuggets I managed to spot and digest this week; I am a bit more focused as I haven't had quite as much time to browse this week.

?? I loved this one from Darren Coxon who shared, rightly, that we "Often Struggle to Write Stories" But what if we could enter a story world and be guided from within this world to write the story it contains? He shared a brilliant and innovative guide (all 18 pages) on "Writing from Inside a Story World" - How to enter a story world and collaborate with the main character. Have a read here.

?? Sarah Horrocks shared the latest episode of the connected learning newsletter where she and Michelle Pauli reported on how teachers are now starting to see the wood for the trees in their #Ai community. "How teachers are really using AI" shares loads of insights on #Ai use. Take a peek here.

?? Michelle Kassorla, Ph.D. shared a really interesting article she wrote on "Using an #Ai Image Generator in a Literature Class". It's a really useful and practical example built around a three-slide challenge that you can lift and adopt yourself. Do take a look here.

?? Following the creative theme, Hamza Aoun shared an excellent resource as a 12-page guide on "Creative Insights: Unplugging AI Through Art". It's a hands-on project framework designed to introduce the concepts of neural networks and AI without relying on computers. This one is not for the beginner and takes a read, but I am sure you will find it interesting and will spark some ideas. Take a look here.

?? Now that you are feeling all creative and want to create some images, Cristóbal Cobo arrives to share some really salient information from MIT Technology Review that "Making an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone" ...Oops perhaps I should have done a few less Cockapoo images! This is the first time the carbon emissions caused by using an AI model for different tasks have been calculated and definitely worth a read from here.

?? Samuel Mormando shared a really interesting post about the "Eliza Effect", it was new to me, and illustrates the ease with which humans can perceive computer-generated responses as having genuine understanding or empathy. So turns out my relationship with Siri isn't quite as deep as I thought ;) The article "Understanding the ELIZA EFFECT before adding AI to your classroom" is definitely worth reading here.

?? Niamh Kingsley shared a great #Ai update from a more corporate perspective with the latest news from 英伟达 谷歌 and 苹果 alongside plenty more. I am biased, but this is a cracking read.

?? Amanda Bickerstaff seems to always be in my newsletter and for good reason, she is a definite person to add to your follow list. This week she shared another update from AI for Education with an update to their "100 Prompts for Educators". They have an excellent resource neatly curated for you here, which is a great time saver and idea creator for anyone.

?? Prompts are, of course, really useful, but super useful is a library of #Ai apps for Education all neatly categorised and organised for you to review. The #AI Educator himself Dan Fitzpatrick has added over 30 more to his already expansive library which you can find here. Dive in; you won't be disappointed.

?? Vince W shared an article from Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) titled "What Can AI Offer Teachers?" A year after generative AI shocked the education world, the second annual AI+Education Summit reflected on new tools and research for classrooms. The closing quote helps frame aspirations nicely "Can AI someday give students agency, motivate them, ensure they feel like they belong in the classroom, improve how they learn?" Take a look here.

?? Anna Mills shared a great read, "AI Text Generators: Sources to Stimulate Discussion Among Teachers" but I should clarify, when I say read, it's a shared Google Doc, that is jammed with links to useful resources. Have a look here.

?? A bit of industry gossip from Clara Lin Hawking courtesy of 彭博资讯 "Apple Is in Talks to Let Google Gemini Power iPhone AI Features" it also notes that Apple also recently held discussions with OpenAI about a deal too. Read here.

??The fab Lisa Durff PhD shared an article from Tech & Learning "3 Useful AI Research Tools for Educators" it's a good read and features an app often discussed in my newsletter Perplexity as well as Consensus and Elicit - worth a read from here.

?? Fancy some fun with Adobe? Barbara Anna Zielonka shared about the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) which is an Adobe-led community of major media and technology companies (and others) working to combat misinformation and disinformation. They also provide lots of resources and Barbara penned a post "Unleash Creativity With Generative AI in Adobe?Express" on this very topic. Have a read here.

?? Most of the articles I share are great; that is, after all, why I share them, but some are just that level above, and this one from top man Leon Furze is just such an example. "Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Workload: Can AI Actually Save Educators Time?" is a brilliant article by Leon, jammed full of content, ideas, research and evidence. It's quite a read, but well worth it. Take a leap here and enjoy.

?? I'm increasingly using Ferdi as my #Chatbot as, to date, he has agreed with me on everything (as long as it includes treats), but we are definitely seeing the rise of #Ai Assistants, Tutors, bots or whatever else we call them. Ben Kornell shared a really interesting read from Los Angeles Unified School District which have released "Ed" their AI assistant for students and families. It's new territory and time will tell on impact, but if we don't evaluate and try new ideas, we will never know. The article "LA Unified Deploys ‘Ed,’ An AI Chatbot For Students And Parents" is really worth a read from here.

?? A great article from Ethan Mollick "The Lazy Tyranny of the Wait Calculation". The Wait calculation is explained with the idea that you could head off to another solar system now in a rocket, but if you waited 20 years and got on one, then, with the ever improving technology you would potentially still arrive first. He explores that idea with the adoption of #Ai and it's a great read. Take a look here, (or wait a few months before reading his later articles ;)

?? Roxi Thompson shared an opinion article from Education Week "Get to Know the ABCs of Generative AI. It Could Power Your School Systems" the article conclusion was "I can’t imagine life without electricity, and similarly, after experiencing generative AI, I can’t imagine a future without it. Just as electricity revolutionized our lives, AI offers the promise of illuminating pathways to innovating and enriching education for the students we serve." Have a read here and see if you agree.

?? Another #AertsAlert from the amazing Carla Aerts , this time on Human-centred #Ai. Highlighting that it's time to focus on the human-in-the-loop or more to the point human-owning-the-loop. She shared this article from McKinsey & Company, "Human-centered AI: The power of putting people first", as you would expect from a Carla share, it's a really good read. Take a look here.

?? Looking over the pond again, C. Edward Watson shared news from the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) that they are launching a new Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum. Launching in September, you can find out more here.

?? Dan Meyer shared an article from Education Week "AI Is Coming to Teacher Prep. Here’s What That Looks Like" - Will artificial intelligence transform the way teachers are trained? Have a read and see if you agree here.


I seem to discover new ones every week, here are a few from this week...

?? It was great to see another book from John Catt is becoming Hachette Learning stable, "Bjork & Bjork's Desirable Difficulties in Action", but I have to confess to being deeply disappointed that it wasn't the music maestro Bjork that I was hoping for, but two entirely different Bjork's (Elizabeth and Robert) - missed opportunity I reckon ??. Anyway, by now, you hopefully are used to my sense of humour and will appreciate that this one is a great addition to the #InAction series. You can find it here.

?? Tony Parkin shared a review of "Artificial Intelligence in the Primary Classroom: 101 ways to save time, cut your workload and enhance your creativity" by Schools Week which wasn't the best ever review, but I have read some amazing books that didn't score too highly with them, so I am sharing a bit of love for the author Gemma Clark and including it here for you to check out and decide yourself. Find it here.

?? Another new one to take a look at is "Responsive Coaching: Evidence-informed instructional coaching that works for every teacher in your school" by Joshua Goodrich which you can find here.

?? Jon Tait shared a book, which means it is likely excellent, "Will it make the boat go faster? Olympic-winning Strategies for Everyday Success" by Ben Hunt-Davis MBE and Harriet Beveridge . I think that title gives you a good sense of what it is about. Check it out here.

?? I might have mentioned this a few times already, but I can guarantee you it's going to be a cracker. "The EdTech Playbook" by Mark Anderson FCCT and Olly Lewis from John Catt is becoming Hachette Learning is now available for Pre-order!

Get yourself on the delivery list from here. #100% Recommend.

?? Another new book by Gohar Karim Khan caught my eye covering a really important conversation. Her book "Empowering Young Leaders: How your Culture and Ethos can Enhance Student Leadership within your School" was released yesterday, and you can find it here.

?? Peter Horner is a trusted voice on this subject, so when I saw him share "Manage Google Workspace: A Practical and Interactive guide for Admins" by LORENZO REDAELLI I could hear the feet running towards the bookshop from many School IT Admins. You can find it here.

??Then there are my 3 books covering #EdTech, #Governance and #Growth in education in the John Catt is becoming Hachette Learning portfolio that I "may" have mentioned a few times before. Ferdi has them all in stock below, but feel free to click the image below and explore or even order ;)


???? This week I have loads of new mentions for the #CandleClub (do please connect with them), so it is a good time to share a fab resource with 100 amazing #Edu folk for you to connect with and follow, all provided in a nice PDF with links to all of them based on areas of specialism. This CandleClub edition might catch fire with so many names, so be careful. Just use this link or the image below to discover them all.

The periodic table of lovely people above features these amazing folks and more:

Amanda Bickerstaff Barbara Anna Zielonka Jason Gulya Prof Miles Berry Adam Phyall III, Ed.D. Bukky Yusuf Abid Patel Dr Nick Jackson Pat Yongpradit Dr Alexandra Gray Cat Coode Caroline Wright Manjit Sareen Gemma Gwilliam James kieft Emma Carralón Confidence Osein Alan Mackenzie Anu Manthri Carl Hooker Brett Salakas Rose Luckin Kanak Gupta Gustavo Ebermann Claire Archibald Leisa Grace Wilson Emma Philpott FCIIS MBE Luke Mulhall Lawrence Tijjani Sonia Livingstone Mark Martin ?? Tai Paschall and many more.

Ok, best I wrap up this week's summary of news. It's a bit earlier than normal, but I am about to head to London to visit my daughter so I thought I should get it sorted early. A big thanks to all of you who I was able to "magpie" into this week's edition. Please don't forget to give this a share ;)

It's Easter next weekend, so I am going to be taking a week off from the newsletter, but I promise to return a week later with a bumper edition.

Have a lovely weekend, hang in there, share the love and I'll see you again in 2 weeks' time.


Yup, it's true, I really do enjoy chatting about all things #Edu ;)

You can book me to come and cause some fun and disruption at your event via The Learning Line via this link. Please also reflect on the diversity and representation of your speakers and panels at your events when reaching out.

??2023 EduFuturist of the Year

??2023 Outstanding Achievement winner - Educational Resources Awards (ERA) Awards

??2023 Inspiring Leader winner - British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) Awards

Michelle Kassorla, Ph.D.

AI in Higher Ed Keynote Speaker ? Principle Author of “AI Literacy in Teaching and Learning” ? Associate Prof. of English at GSU | Perimeter College ? AI Expert Panelist ? #TeachingwithAI #EdTech ? 20+ Years in Higher Ed

11 个月

Thank you so much for including me in your amazing newsletter, Al Kingsley!

Sarah Horrocks

Digital learning and strategy consultant, former director, London CLC

11 个月

Thanks for the share, Al :)

Alan Tang

Chief of Staff to startups & scaleups | Mentor to Founders | Angel Investor | Passionate about Education | Carbon13 Domain Expert | Effective Altruism champion

11 个月

Thanks for sharing as always Al Kingsley! One update from us Collaboration Laboratory is that we'll be running a special online challenge for new and existing students - it'll be a great chance for children to try out experience based learning in a pixel-art online world! Sharing the sign up link here in case you want to share:


Thank you for the shout out for Digital Learning, Al Kingsley - and for another great roundup (Sarah Horrocks and I know how much work is involved!) ??

Mark Taylor

I'm a podcaster, live streamer, remote producer and trainer. Supporting people with video, audio and how to be a great guest.

11 个月

Thank you Al Kingsley I appreciate your support as always


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