March Climate News
A ton has happened in our rapidly growing Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) market on the daily. During the first quarter of this year, a series of interesting reports have been rolled out describing the need for CDR and summarizing the current status of different methods:
We’ve also dropped a few articles of our own including an Ebook on Carbon Removal Methods. Read on for our latest reports!
To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, to be in line with 1.5℃ target, a broad set of mitigation strategies will be needed to both reduce emissions and enhance carbon sinks.
The initiative of FLAG requirements came out as a result of a project with?Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi)?and World Wildlife Federation (WWF) back in 2020. The intention is to have, for the first time, assembled land-intensive operations into one sector and having all land-based emissions and removals included from the start. 22% of all the world's emissions are included in this sector, which means this sector makes a significant impact. The FLAG sector guidance was launched in September 2022.
Want to read about the requirements for FLAG? Click below.
Understanding the psychological barriers that may be preventing boards from taking action is key in changing behaviors. Through behavioral psychology, we'll explore how you can encourage senior executives and board members to take action towards reaching net zero.
Read more on behavioral psychology's role climate change >>
Removement launches its first e-book
The market of carbon removals is evolving rapidly, gaps are identified along the way and we are many that want to contribute to shaping a robust ecosystem for removal, sequestration and decision on purchase of carbon removals. As much as we have known about Carbon Removal (CDR) for a while, and we have brilliant projects already ongoing, the market of Carbon Removal is partly in its infancy. New methods and projects are sprung up like mushrooms. To keep track of everything new within the field is not the easiest thing.
Check out our ebook here >>