March: Birthday Newsletter Update
?...Kathleen Kasper-Kat Armstrong
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March: Birthday Newsletter Updated on March 7, 2023
Kathleen (Kasper-Kat)Armstrong, (w) Holy Ghostwriter ?? 3 1 2023
Updated: 3 6 2023, and 3 7, 2023
An Update On My Personal Wellbeing:
Near the end of February of this year, I wasn't sure if I would upload any more of my writing due to constant harassment I've dealt with related to my writing. Not long after this, I found that I still chose to continue my work, I simply wasn't up to the task of this constant conflict I've been dealing with to upload my writing.
My purpose in writing is for the edification of those who are genuine believers, and those who are encouraged and uplifted by my writing. It is my personal opinion, that if anyone does not like my writing, they simply need to read what they like, and leave it at that.
Although it doesn't seem right, for those who know about what I am writing purposely attack my devices so that I cannot upload my own personal work, one thing I have seen in all of this is that my reaction is MY choice. I may not have a great deal of control over a knee-jerk reaction I have to situations that are not appropriate or healthy; yet, I do have the responsibility to do what I need to do, to respond appropriately.
Let me be very clear, I have not given anyone else permission to copy or upload my work, nor have I sold my personal work to anyone. I have chosen to do the majority of my writing offline, for my own sanity's sake, among other reasons, and when I am able, I will upload portions of my work for those who find my writing helpful. Sadly, this means that those people I planned to honor, will not likely get an opportunity to read what I've chosen to note for myself at this time. Just know, that does not mean that I haven't been thinking of you or had well wishes for you.
A Note Regarding The Holy Days:
That being said, I am aware there are various holidays that many people will be celebrating this month, among these is the ongoing Lent holiday many believers began celebrating in February. In March, I understand Purim is currently being celebrated by many Jewish and Messianic believers as, and the Hindu holiday known as Holi, is set to start soon. Not long after several folk begin celebrating Saint Patrick's Day, Muslims will begin fasting for Ramedan.
You may be wondering; then, why I uploaded a menorah in the midst of March. M-mmm, it's not because I love alliteration and Menorah and March both begin with the letter "M."
This points to my most recent work. After my last post, I put together the the next sketch, revealing yet another perspective on the one decor I had chosen when beginning the Birthday Newsletter. For those who haven't seen this Chinese New Year decor, and the first two sketches I prepared that are different perspectives on the same piece of decor, the artwork is found in the following articles:
2. The February Newsletter features the second sketch I had drawn that is another perspective on this original Chinese New Year decoration.
3. The February Epiphany Article contains a picture of the actual Chinese New Year item I had purchased. The cover picture is escewed to fit the Linkedin cover requirement; inside the article, the original picture is posted.
If you've been reading along, you'll know that each month's "theme" is continued into the following months, as a new theme emerges, thus...
January's "Perspective" brings "Flow" into February enabling us to March forth, and "Judge Not-Honorably."
Originally, the theme of "Honor" came to mind when I began the process of noting what areas I hoped to keep in mind each month, and I had decided to hone in on this theme for March, yet I noticed along the way, that I found myself remembering a scripture in the New Testament of the Holy Bible that indicates that there is a precise time for judgement to take place, and that we ought refrain from "judgement" until the appointed time. At that time, I decided these two statements belonged together. In reading what I wrote about my own difficulties, I hope this will encourage you to see HOW we "judge not, honorably." For if we judge our own actions primarily, in order to be more honorable, when a formal judgement takes place at a later time, we will learn the truth of what we do not see today, and THINK we know today.
Marching Into The Month of March By Judging Not Honorably:
This begins the intro to the next sketch and the scripture review I've been working on, beginning on March 1st 2023. Before uploading the current sketch for March, I'd like to note a few more "perspectives" you may not have noticed in the previous sketches. My January sketch shows only 1/2 of a sphere (a hemisphere); whereas, February contains the whole sphere, and is missing the tassles and smaller spheres below the hemisphere.
Features of The March Sketch :
March, on the other hand, reveals the idea of the "creation" being on display. Looking back, you may notice now in the first sketch and original decor. This came to mind, when I noticed the "sphere" theme continuing in March and being related to a few scriptures that are noted on the new sketch (where God is "seated.)
If you look closely at the tassles, contained in the first sketch you will see a cylinder like item holding the tassles, or "comets" in place. This points to another feature: in the Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagry edited by John A. Beck, a "seal," (like one that was used during the decree that had been issued and noted in the book of Esther (and is connected to the "Purim" holiday) it states that this seal, though it may be in the form of a ring that is worn, it also can be kept on a neckpiece (like a bead.) When I first read this, I hadn't remembered seeing this type of item before, until I specifically spent time thinking about where I might have seen one before: everyday beads, of course often contain inscribed features, that if pressed into clay or wax would leave a mark: such is the case of the cylinder-like beads in the original decor and the first sketch.
It may help to look up the verses noted on this sketch Gen 1 and Is 40. I included the Strongs number associated with a term in the center of this also, for your edification, in addition to my own. I had noted this when I wondered how I would represent God seated over the universe. It's in reviewing the meaning of this term, that one will see why I put the sketch together the way that I have.
Scripture Notes On The Seven Pillars (written 3 6 2023)
When reviewing Proverb 9, I began jotting notes in my Bible for myself, on how this may help me in living a life that honors God. The beginning of this proverb begins with 3 very short verses, that are then supported with information on how to further use these 7 Pillars of Wisdom.
Having thought I had heard of "Pillars" being a thread in Muslim literature, I searched to see if their pillars are related to the proverb. I couldn't tell for sure, it appears that not much has been written on this specific topic at this time, so I took some time to consider what I could learn from this passage.
This explains the menorah post. After writing notes on my paraphrase of these pillars, I realized that it would be quite helpful to have a physical reminder for each item noted. Having the menorah nearby, I realized, I only needed to take 2 of the candles out of the menorah to have the 7 pillars. The following are a semi consice rendering of my original notes. Much like a menorah is lit in a specific way, I suggest lighting a similar candle piece in the following manner that follows:
Candle One is the center candle.
Candle Two is the candle on the far left side of the menorah.
Candle Three is the candle on the far right side.
Candle Four is the candle to the left of candle three.
Candle Five is to the right of candle two.
Candle Six is to the right of candle 5.
Candle Seven is to the left of candle 4.
(IE: 2, 5, 6, space, 1, space, 7, 4, 3)
You should have a space between candle 6 and candle 1 on the left.
You should have a space between candle 7 and candle 1 on the right.
Before explaining why I placed the candles in the menorah this way, I will post the paraphrase of this portion of the scriptures contained in Proverb 9:1-3. Notice, much like Hebrew, the Pillars are in order, backwards from the way we (in the US) typically read, from left to right.
Pillar 1 (contained in verse 3) stands primarily for "Humility." Note, depending on the version of scripture you read, this verse notes a "crying out" or "call out" from a lofty place. I liken this to being able to notice and note (in our highest moments, not only in our lowest moments) regrets, wrongs that need righting, etc. This is the ability to not only speak wisdom about difficulties, even when all is well, it also reflects not becoming haughty in what we learn, so that we remain open to learning what we do not know: learning from one who has gone before us. For this reason this was placed in the center (at the heart of the menorah) in the highest place.
*You may have noticed the tree in the last article that was not noted in the February Birthday Newsletter. This is a money tree. I was specifically aiming to get a picture of a new sprout that was growing. I point this out now, because much like the tree, the point of this exercise is for our spiritual growth, so it is quite fitting that a menorah (with it's branches) is used to represent this daily growth. Keep in mind there are 7 days in one week.
Pillar 2: Sending forth maidens (in my opinion) is helpful to represent parts of our nature that are beneath us: consider this like our less godly "childish nature" that needs to mature. Like one who is kind would surely treat those under them kindly, as they gently urge those assisting them, on how to be helpful, we can tell our lower inclinations how to behave more honorably, with kindness, as we send our nature forth, marching on to do good deeds on our behalf.
Pillar 3: Setting the table. Noted earlier, the sabbath is a very special time for many people, a time to gather at a table to dine together. Jesus, too, did so before his death and resurrection. The "seder" that Jesus was sharing, means "order," thus the third pillar represents putting "first things first." Maintaining Godly priorities is what one can consider when lighting this candle.
Pillar 4: Mingling wine. I'll note here, clearly there can be very different interpretations of this scripture. My hope in sharing my notes here with you, is that this will encourage helpful thinking of HOW we implement knowlege of the scriptures various meanings, however it is you choose to interpret them. You will find this "mingling" is not always a positive term in the scriptures, yet when I considered what has been pointed out about this term and what this mixing of spices to prepare a drink, I would liken this process to be somewhat like taking information in, and considering the various messages it has to teach us: a form of mindfulness, so that we consider the "fruit" of one's thoughts and actions.
Pillar 5: Slaughter! Wonderful, why is slaughtering noted in some of these versions of Proverb 9:2? I believe this is the actual choices in our actions we make (when we are meditaing on Pillar 2). This would be the practice of mastering our animalistic, less Godly instincts.
Pillar 6: One of my favorites, for this reminds me of HOW pillar 5 is achieved. I learned much about this on a cognitive level, when I joined a food group that worked together on mastering our difficulty with managing our food well. I'll kindly point out to anyone who might see my weight and think I have a ways to go, that the fact is, I lost over 100 pounds and have kept 100 pounds off for over 10 years now, so be kind! One of the things someone older than I shared with me, is that for YEARS we made poor choices when it came to what we ought to eat, and to consider this "like the grooves in a record" that have been played over and over and over; only now we must form NEW grooves. Pillar 6 is to "carve" or etch wisdom we have gain within (whether that be what we've cognitively learned from the scriptures, and/or what we have learned in the various other areas of our life where we have grown more mature.)
Pillar 7: Preparing one's abode. Looking back at that first sketch I drew in January and the original Asian decoration, you may see one's bow, and one's temple also. Like a bow and arrow, that goes to the heart of the matter to penetrate and etch these things within one's mind, in preparing our own home sweet home, there are things that we will naturally see that need to be done. This indicates the ongoing weekly work we need to do to keep spiritually keep our home tidy, so that we are prepared. Here you may find the passages in Matthew 25 helpful in seeing this. You will notice that Jesus notes 10, rather than 7 lights here.
Keep in mind, that I noticed that #1, #2 and #3 each reveal how wisdom from the LORD, gives us the ability to appropriately handle the word of God in encouraging, warning and providing helpful examples to others, so that they are blessed by what we have learned.
As time allows, I may include some additional notes you may appreciate; I will add a few passages here that you may want to look up, if you found this article worth considering. Revelation 6 (notes more about the "seals" like those noted in the book of Esther), and both John 10 and James 3 point to some additional details you may find interesting, and related to the 7 Pillars of Wisdom. In John you will see that Jesus also participated in Hanukkah (as is noted in John 10:22), and in James, you will see both the "fruit" and "humbleness" noted within the context of mastering one's less Godly instincts.
Again, my hope in sharing these things is to be a delight that encourages goodness and respectfulness of each person's personal beliefs and journey. I also hope that others will keep this in mind as they choose how they will March forward in their lives, being respectful of me and others who are also on this journey with them.