March 4, Devotions on Ephesians
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
March 4, Devotions on Ephesians
17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love.
??In Vs 17, Paul continues his prayer with a fourfold desire.?First, that Christ may dwell in their hearts.?Paul knew that the heart is the seat of the soul and whoever is on the throne room of the heart controls the direction of that life.?Out of the heart comes the issue of life.?Where your heart is so is your treasure.?Paul wanted Christ to dwell in their heart.?Secondly, Paul wanted them to receive it by faith.?Faith is the avenue we receive from the supernatural.?Faith is trust.?It is the substance of things hope and the evidence of things not seen.?It is a virtue based on the love of God and it gives hope to living.?Thirdly, they would be rooted and grounded.?Their lives would be stable and anchored in God.?Paul knows that Jesus Christ is the vine and we are the branches.?The fruit of the Spirit begins and ends with the fourth thing he prayed.?Lastly, they are grounded and rooted in love.?Love is that wonderful communicated attribute of God that brings healing and enables us to love others.?It is who God is and who we must become.?When rooted and grounded in love we are a blessing to all and to God.