March 3, 2020 @ Oslo Congress Center

March 3, 2020 @ Oslo Congress Center

Welcome to Kubernetes Tooling Day!

“Tooling Day” is technologically focused educational event series, which has already gathered hundreds of Infrastructure and DevOps experts across the Northern Europe. Fast introductions, crystallizing the key take-aways, technical demos and meeting with colleagues! This is what it is all about. Welcome!

From SUSE you will see:

How to meet and exceed enterprise requirements when taking Kubernetes in production? How to simplify the setup, ensure scalability, security and availability in rapidly growing environment, both in cloud and on-prem? What are the best tools and practices to guarantee maximum interoperability?

In this event you will see how to build, manage and monitor Kubernetes at enterprise scale, what are the typical use cases, and learn about the leading technologies.

This event is free of charge, and has a technological focus. It is targeted for specialists, architects and technical managers interested in container and microservices technologies.

Agenda and sign- up


Fast paced information package that crystallizes the essence of relevant solution areas within Kubernetes and microservices. Each ending with 5 recommended key take-a-ways to remember.


More in-depth technical presentations, including concrete use case demos – this is how it should & could be done.

09:00Registration & Coffee09:30Welcome & Kickoff09:35KEY-NOTE: TBA (will be interesting!)10:10Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes

Crystallizing the essence in 20 mins + 5 key take-a-ways: Extending Kubernetes orchestration capabilities to support the setup, and management of Elasticsearch and Kibana on Kubernetes.

/ Elastic10:30Ensuring distributed database availability with Kubernetes

Crystallizing the essence in 20 mins + 5 key take-a-ways: How read/write intensive eCommerce provider ensures the availability of services when running with Kubernetes.

/ Redis Labs10:50Coffee Break

11:00Accelerating Kubernetes troubleshooting

Crystallizing the essence in 20 mins + 5 key take-a-ways: What are the key metrics and meta-data in order to explore, monitor, and analyze Kubernetes environment.

/ Sysdig11:20Why not all Kubernetes platforms are the same

Crystallizing the essence of running your own Kubernetes vs an engineered solution

/ Peter Lunderbye, PreSales Engineer, SUSE11:40Customer Case Introduction

How adoption of Kubernetes can increase the efficiency especially in managed service provider environment

/ DataLounges12:00Lunch & Networking12:40DEMO: Deploying Fully Working Kubernetes Cluster in 30 minutes

In this demo you will see how to setup full working Kubernetes cluster along with deploying an example microservices based app. You will also see how you can monitor and obtain logging metrics on both the underlying Kubernetes resources and the demo app running on top.

/ SUSE13:15DEMO: Elasticsearch & Kibana on Kubernetes

/ Elastic13:50Coffee Break14:05DEMO: Performance, health and kube-state-metrics monitoring

/ Sysdig14:40Cloud-Native Applications with Azure Kubernetes Services

/ Microsoft15:15Closing words, Q&A,15:30Event endsProgram subject to modifications


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