March 27, 2022
Kannan Subbiah
FCA | CISA | CGEIT | CCISO | GRC Consulting | Independent Director | Enterprise & Solution Architecture | Former Sr. VP & CTO of MF Utilities | BU Soft Tech | itTrident
Often, people confuse AGI with AI, which is loosely used nowadays by marketers and businesses to describe run-of-the-mill machine learning applications and even normal automation tools. In simple words, Artificial General Intelligence involves an ever-growing umbrella of abilities of machines to perform various tasks significantly better than even the brightest of human minds. An example of this could be AI accurately predicting stock market trends to allow investors to rake in profits consistently. Additionally, AGI-based tools can interact with humans conversationally and casually. In recent times, domotic applications such as smart speakers, smart kitchens and smartphones are gradually becoming more interactive as they can be controlled with voice commands. Additionally, advanced, updated versions of such applications show distinctly human traits such as humor, empathy and friendliness. However, such applications just stop short of having genuinely authentic interactions with humans. The prospective future arrival of AGI, if it happens, will plug this gap.
JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world, and React is one of its leading libraries. Initially released in 2013, React was designed to be a library for helping developers craft user interfaces (UIs). According to Henning Koch, React and Unpoly aren’t entirely opposites. They share some likenesses, but there are a few important distinctions. “What both frameworks share is that they render a full page when the user navigates, but then only fragments of that new page are inserted into the DOM, with the rest being discarded,” he explained. “However, while a React app would usually call a JSON API over the network and render HTML in the browser, Unpoly renders HTML on the server, where we have synchronous access to our data and free choice of programming language.” Still, Koch acknowledges there are some instances where React and SPA’s are suitable choices. He went on to say, “There are still some cases where a SPA approach shines. For instance, we recently built a live chat where messages needed to be end-to-end encrypted.
The new 20-millisecond milestone, however, could be just the breakthrough Afzelius' team was looking for. "This is a world record for a quantum memory based on a solid-state system, in this case a crystal. We have even managed to reach the 100 millisecond mark with a small loss of fidelity," Azfelius said. For their experiments, the researchers kept their crystals at temperatures of -273,15°C so as not to disturb the effect of entanglement. "We applied a small magnetic field of one thousandth of a Tesla to the crystal and used dynamic decoupling methods, which consist in sending intense radio frequencies to the crystal," said Antonio Ortu, a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Applied Physics at UNIGE. "The effect of these techniques is to decouple the rare-earth ions from perturbations of the environment and increase the storage performance we have known until now by almost a factor of 40," he added. The result of this experiment could allow for the development of long-distance quantum telecommunications networks, though the researchers would still have to extend the storage time further.
There's been a lot of talk of innovation and helping the little guy through blockchain. But, huge resources and backing are needed in order to sustain a project and take it mainstream on a longer time horizon. Even with a brilliant technical team, excellent developers and a well-thought-out whitepaper and tokenomics ecosystem, the project won’t go anywhere. Unless, it's marketed on major outlets and pushed towards consumers consistently. This is an attention-based economy and it takes effort to capture mainstream attention and to keep it. Moreover, it will take a great deal of finance to develop VR technology that is high-quality, integrated into the many metaverses, cost-effective and marketed well. A small team might be able to conjure up a good initial project. But, they will likely need to partner up or hand off the project so it can become mainstream. Always assess who a project is affiliated with and what partnerships they have. This is a strong indication of how much they value their own project and also offers numerous other benefits for various scenarios.
In initial evaluations, the diffractive neural network introduced by this team of researchers achieved very promising results, as it was found to be highly flexible and applicable across a wide range of scenarios. In the future, it could thus be used to solve a variety of real-world problems, including image classification, wave sensing and wireless communication coding/decoding. Meanwhile, Cui and his colleagues will work on improving its performance further. "The prototype implemented in this work is based on a 5-layer diffractive neural network, each layer has 64 programmable neural networks, and the total number of nodes in the network is relatively low," Cui added. "At the same time, the operating frequency band of this network is lower, resulting in a larger size of the physical network. In our next studies, we plan to further increase the scale of the programmable neurons of the network, improve the network integration, reduce the size and form a set of intelligent computers with stronger computing power and more practicality for sensing and communications."
In this case, the cyberattackers were pretending to offer a key set of existing, legitimate packages for Azure. “It became apparent that this was a targeted attack against the entire @azure npm scope, by an attacker that employed an automatic script to create accounts and upload malicious packages that cover the entirety of that scope,” researchers said in a Wednesday posting. “The attacker simply creates a new (malicious) package with the same name as an existing @azure scope package, but drops the scope name.” Npm scopes are a way of grouping related packages together. JFrog found that besides the @azure scope, other popular package groups were also targeted, including @azure-rest, @azure-tests, @azure-tools and @cadl-lang. The researchers added, “The attacker is relying on the fact that some developers may erroneously omit the @azure prefix when installing a package. For example, running npm install core-tracing by mistake, instead of the correct command – npm install @azure/core-tracing.” The attacker also tried to hide the fact that all of the malicious packages were uploaded by the same author, “by creating a unique user per each malicious package uploaded,” according to JFrog.