March 2025
Hey friends. Up here in Massachusetts, we have been locked in ice, snow, and high winds for weeks now. Sometimes, it seems that winter will not loosen its grip. But if I take the time to really be present, I notice the bird songs have changed and they are beginning courtship behaviors. The days are getting a bit longer. The angle of the sun's rays are travelling a higher path across the windows of my study. These small signs let me know that spring will come in the fullness of time. Recovery is like that. It comes in the fullness of time and not necessarily on our timeline. It takes patience, because sometimes change is almost imperceptible. But if we slow down and be present, we can detect small signs, like the bird songs, that keep us hope-filled and focused on the next step and the next. - Pat Deegan
Recovery Tips: Check out my latest Tip for Recovery
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