March 2024 Newsletter

March 2024 Newsletter

Included in this edition:


  • Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Solutions in Refugee Camps - Event Video

Research Papers

  • Countering “Day After” Narratives: Notes Towards A Practical Program For Palestinian Liberation And Global Solidarity - Mandy Turner Articles
  • Disciplining The Discourse Around Israel-Palestine - Joseph Levine
  • Capacitating Young Palestinian Refugees For Civic Action In Marginalized Contexts [PART 2] - Kamal AbouChedid
  • War As Development Opportunity: The Politics Of Infrastructure And The Promotion Of An Israeli-Jordanian Transit Trade Route - Ben Schuetze
  • Hamas: The Islamist Golem? - Assaf Kfoury
  • Security In Context Media Roundup: February 2024
  • CALL FOR PAPERS -?Sin Miedo: Autonomous Securities Across The Global South


Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Solutions in Refugee Camps - Event Video

Security in Context and the OU Center for Peace and Development host a panel discussing about energy solutions in refugee camps.

Panelists: Dr. Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen - Independent Social Research Foundation Independent Scholar, Dr. Alison Halford - Assistant Professor, Centre for Computational Science & Mathematical Modelling, Coventry University, Nazifa Rafa - Ph.D. Student, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Moderated by: Firat Demir - L.J. Semrod Presidential Professor of Economics, University of Oklahoma & Co-Director, Center for Peace and Development.

Research Articles

Countering “Day After” Narratives: Notes Towards a Practical Program for Palestinian Liberation and Global Solidarity

Mandy Turner

As we near the fifth month of Israel’s war on Gaza, discussions have increased over what happens the “day after” a permanent ceasefire. While it is difficult to contemplate this at the current moment, it is crucial that Palestinians and their supporters counter this and articulate a vision for what comes next.?This article offers some suggestions towards a progressive and practical paradigm for Palestinian liberation and global solidarity rooted in a reclassification of Israel’s occupation as colonialism, a rights-based approach to conflict resolution, and the UN’s “triple nexus” framework...


Disciplining The Discourse Around Israel-Palestine

Joseph Levine

An examination of the rhetorical devices by which the mainstream media and political establishment distort the terms of the debate over Israel-Palestine, with special emphasis on the abuse of progressive ideas about identity and harmful speech. This essay was originally part of a panel on "Resisting the Crackdown on Palestine Advocacy On Campus (and off)" Society for Anti-Colonial Middle Eastern and North African Thought (SAMENAT), Eastern Division, American Philosophical Association January 16, 2024.

Capacitating Young Palestinian Refugees for Civic Action in Marginalized Contexts [PART 2]

Kamal Abouchedid

This paper investigates the way Palestinian refugees aged 15-24 perceive the challenges they endure in refugee camps and gatherings; alongside the actions they take within their communities to counter multilayered vulnerabilities. Studies on refugees in Lebanon have included youth as subjects or samples to study their attitudes, perceptions, and demographic characteristics. Despite the proliferation of studies on refugees and displaced communities in Lebanon, youth have not been engaged as participants who share their subjective experiences about the challenges they face and interact with in marginalized contexts.?

War As Development Opportunity: The Politics of Infrastructure and the Promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian Transit Trade-Route

Ben Schuetze

Exploring what happens when trade routes stop, this recently published article with?Geopolitics?offers an empirically-grounded discussion of past attempts at Arab-Israeli normalization in Jordan. It focuses on efforts at promoting an Israeli-Jordanian transit trade route in the years following the onset of war in Syria (2011-2016) as alternative to the Syrian-Jordanian route that had up until then connected Europe and the Arab Gulf…

Hamas: The Islamist Golem?

Assaf Kfoury

This article focuses on core events that lead to Hamas' emergence in the late 1980s, up through when it became Israel's implacable foe by the end of the 1990s. Analysis begins with history as early as the 1940s, documenting how this branch of the Muslim Brotherhood grew into one of the largest organized presences in Palestine.

Security In Context Media Roundup: February 2024

This is a roundup of news articles, reports, and other materials focusing on (in)security issues and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of Security in Context.

Call for Papers - Sin Miedo: Autonomous Securities Across The Global South

Across the Global South (including but not limited to the broader MENA world, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, east and South Asia, and occupied First Nation territories) actors and communities are increasingly mobilizing in the defense and protection of life: against neoliberal ransack, uncertainty and precarization, environmental destruction, extractivism and militarization, surveillance, incarceration, and police terror. These actors often mobilize against the grain and towards the defense of collectivities, commoning, and other creative strategies to protect human and non-human lives and the attendant practices that foster their flourishing. These strategies range from rights-frameworks that seek to reconfigure existing nation-states to?de facto?actions intended to pursue the good life (buen vivir/vivir sabroso/Ubuntu). In doing so they are effectively challenging dominant notions of security and thus crafting alter-securities: practices that seek to place life and reciprocity at the center, and which fundamentally re-structure geopolitics from below.


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