Photo by Arizona Aquatic Gardens


Greetings everyone! Lots taking place this month. Depending where you are in this world, Spring or Fall will be here soon-it's always lovely to feel, see and smell the changes brought on by Mother Nature. Changing our clocks as “spring ahead” is quickly approaching and Easter arrives at the end of March, which, if I recall correctly is early this year as it’s been in April for a while and I think the infamous ‘Spring Break’ happens too.?However you spend the time, may it be pleasant. To get a sense of what the energies are for the month ahead, please read on.??


?Here we are! A few months into 2024 and a third of the numerology cycle complete. How are things going for you so far? If you are feeling discouraged about circumstances, take heart, as 2024 is a year where we are all learning what it means to not give up so easily. This is because?the energy of persistence is a key factor to achieving some of our goals. It’s a building year- literally and metaphorically. We are experiencing the area of confidence vs ego; where is that fine line and how do each influence who we are, what we do and how we show up? These traits?will be significant as we go after our objectives and plans. Now, when it comes to March, we are learning patience when it comes to being persistent in certain areas or having the confidence to patiently work through projects/things or confidently waiting-whatever that may entail to the individual. I find waiting is not tolerated in our society as many things are about fast and being quick- food, Amazon deliveries, binge watching, even quick rich schemes still abound. How many of us get annoyed when we don’t receive a reply right away? The condition of instant gratification is common. So, one great way of practicing patience is to take a moment and observe the situation. What are you seeing, noticing and feeling? Is it necessary to do something right now or can it wait? Be it buying, doing, deciding...anything- is it urgent? Often, no. The #2 loves to take its time. And when it comes to making decisions, would rather feel for the answer- this means if something is off, unsure in any manner then it’s best to wait and see what comes next. Patience requires listening and if you can, listen to your inner voice, specifically what your heart tells you-it will pay off in the long run. ?

As mentioned in the paragraph before, listening and observing are huge this month. Not only who and what you listen to and observe but where it goes deeper in the sense of do you listen to/observe?your intuition,?the thoughts in your head,?your feelings? When we go quiet and take the time to see, to hear we end up noticing details that can help. There are opportunities when we do practice patience with what we listen to and observe. I have found answers by listening to customers talking in line without having to engage in conversation with them. On another note, be mindful of what you watch and open your ears to as certain music and shows can be healing or aggravating. ?

The #2 relates to the heart. This is a month where if our heart is not in something than it will feel worse and a waste. Best to wait if there are any important situations that you are not having a feeling for, for another time. Yet, once we do follow our heart with specific activities, we discover we love it and end up having a lovely experience. So much can be said about the heart area as it relates to many things. I am pointing out the main themes but if you find the heart has a meaning particular to you, then that’s how it shows up. Be aware of what you take to heart and know how things align relate to the values you hold in your heart. For some, heart health will be a factor. The medical establishment may share something new in this field.?

I keep hearing the phrase ‘love and compassion’. It comes through in the sense of do you have love and compassion especially with what/who you struggle with? You don’t have to like them or like it but where you can observe and see these things with love and compassion. The more one is able to feel and share these emotions, the more at peace one will be at. This even means to honour your heart if you get a no or a maybe as at times the greatest lesson with love and compassion is to listen/trust yourself?when it isn’t agreeable to others. There is great kindness with these energies if we allow them. ?

Sadness. Not everything in life is rosy and reality can bite. Despite the presence of heartwarming energies, it will be easy to fall into sadness. Sometimes it will arrive without warning. This is where you do your best to feel it out and allow the tears to flow if they are there. As I have a lot of twos in my birthdate, I can attest to I often feel better and lighter once I have a good cry. It’s like I cry out all the sadness, if that makes sense. So, if you feel sad, monitor these feelings as you don’t want your emotions to get the best of you when down...find someone who will listen to you or reach out for some kind of support. ?

Although the #2 prefers the company of another, this month the theme of alone versus going at it alone has its way with us. There may be times when you go out with another (or more) and discover it to be a lonely experience hence preferring to go at it alone the next time around. However, we may find ourselves in situations where we have to go at it alone for various reasons- no one is available to help, we don’t know who to trust or there’s no one really. It could be where some get ‘Spring Fever’ and question their own loneliness?when it comes to intimate relationships and determining to go at it alone. ?

Interesting with March’s spirit animal. It took its time appearing to me as I could get a sense of what it was doing and some of its characteristics. I could see it moving without trouble, gliding effortlessly, low to the ground above sand and a feeling of being in water. It felt unique, something that is not common and where it was quiet. When I was describing my frustration with this, my partner chimed in with could it be a Loach? Now, where he got that from, we do not know but once I looked it up, it was yes! Plus, I am amazed how that incident involved the themes of observing, listening and patience- I had to be patient with what I saw in my visions yet I also listened to what was spoken and intuited. The Loach is part of the Catfish family so many of its meanings can be found with this genre. Honestly, I had to read up on it myself to get a sense of what it represents. The following traits that struck me with the Loach (catfish) was listening, psychic awareness and observant. Wow! All connect with the #2 energy. I do want to share that how it appeared will be significant for us too. Call on the Loach to help with any issues you have trouble seeing the way through, to use grace under pressure and you will be able to stay above ground. These creatures are popular in fish tanks as they keep the space clean. So, this means it’s a good time to clean our space, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, financial. I recommend reading up on the spiritual and biological traits of the Loach or in this case catfish. ?

And the card of the month. It’s the Ten of Hearts which relates to personal celebrations, invites, being social and savouring good times. This is a great card if you are looking to connect with others, to join small groups and gather for causes that tug at your heartstrings. If you are wanting to refine your tastes, go with quality rather than quantity. We are drawn to luxury items and getting value with what we spend our money on. Sometimes the deal is not a deal...we may splurge and yet see it as we get what we pay for. Some things are worth every penny, don’t you agree? We gain from spending time with others in social settings- it's good to have small gatherings for the sake of getting together. Some of us will have reasons to celebrate something personal this month.?

May March be one where it unfolds with grace and kindness. Until next time, my Guides The Counsel and I wish you all much love and compassion this month. Be well and stay safe.?

Like this article? Please feel free to share your thoughts and with others as I appreciate the support. If you would like to know what your numbers represent, what Totem Animals show up for you or for a regular card reading, reach out to me for bookings and more info. My first choice is email: [email protected] but you can also send me a DM here. I am in the final stages of rebuilding my website and until then please be patient until its completion. Thanks for understanding and being here with me. ?

?Tina De Luca?

#inlightinenergy #forecast #march #2024 #messages #guidance #numerology #spiritanimal #loach #intuition #intuitive #psychic #energies #support


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