March 2024
Employee Matters
Make your employees your advantage by outsourcing your HR and Recruitment to Employee Matters.
The end of the first quarter is fast approaching and businesses are ramping up their recruitment activities and asking for HR advice, not only for day to day help but legislation change implementation, HR systems, EAP and more. To meet this demand for information, we have produced new articles this month on the Gender Pay Gap changes and EAP programs.??
This month’s update includes:
As always, please get in touch for a Free Discovery Session if you'd like to talk about your HR and Recruitment needs.
The Employee Matters Team
In an historic move, the Federal Government has taken a decisive steps towards addressing the gender pay gap in Australia.? With the findings made public from this year, this effectively means that companies will be 'named and shamed' in the court of public opinion.? This article provides key highlights, dates to comply and more.?Read it Here
At Employee Matters we see every day the benefits that EAP programs bring to our clients and to our own employees, yet the uptake of these wildly popular and easy to use programs is still lower than it could be.? With mental health in the workplace a prominent factor in absenteeism and low productivity an EAP can be an easy win, read on to find out more.
Missed out on the Joint Findex/Employee Matters webinar on Employee Relations Legislation Changes??
The webinar covered key changes to HR, payroll and financial reporting legislation and much more.? It concluded with a panel discussion and Q&A with an invitation to have a 15 minute call with Natasha Hawker to discuss individual challenges in a more confidential setting.? There are still some slots available to book Here.??Watch the webinar recording Here
PLUS find details on our specially formulated Three Step Update Pack below.?
The ER Legislation 3-Step Update Pack has been designed to help you understand the new ER changes being rolled out in Australia and get some help in starting the implementation journey for your business. This pack includes the following support:
Step 1 – Employee Metrics to deliver a comprehensive assessment of your organisation’s current state, insights into areas of risk and practical recommendations around the minimum requirements & expectations of your organisation’s HR future state.
Step 2 – Plan for compliance. Six hours of consultation time with an Employee Expert who will help you understand what you do and don’t have in place and draw up a custom roadmap to achieving compliance.
Step 3 - If at the end of Step 2 you find that you need further support with legislation-related compliance, or any other aspect of your HR & Recruitment operations, we’ll be here to offer you the ongoing support you need through our additional services. Get it Here
Email Maaike at [email protected]