March 2024 - 01
Global futurist, head of proGective and associate at Yonders. PhD in social science / foresight
Rethinking the future
4 years after the COVID-19 crisis, where are we now? To help you prepare your response, there's an excellent article here: Usbek & Rica , "Il faut renoncer aux futurs déjà obsolètes" (yes, this is in French, but various browsers offer an easy translation). What are your own obsolete images of the future?
This reading can usefully be completed with that of Adanna Shallowe (Imagining a better future through foresight – why the metaphors we use matter, blog, 2020) about:
the need to challenge the use old metaphors to allow for new narratives and better futures to emerge.
Anticipation has various definitions. The most promising may come from the neurosciences. The leading French neurophysiologist, Alain BERTHOZ, has been working for decades on the various physical mechanisms that enable anticipation, stating for ex. that
Ultimately, in Berthoz, A. & Debru, C. (2015). Anticipation et Prédiction: Du geste au voyage mental. Odile Jacob, two statements resonated with my thoughts.
Living things are characterised by their autonomy. And autonomy presupposes anticipation. In essence, anticipation can only occur if there is a goal. The most elementary organisms have a perception apparatus designed to guide action, but above all to predict its consequences.
If this is so (and I have no doubt this is true), why are we so inefficient when it comes to predict the consequences of our actions or the course of the world?
Anticipation is pre-embedded in the very functioning of sensory captors.
How can we build some equivalent of these sensory captors that would enable us to "sense" the world dynamics and anticipate in the real sense of the word: acting before something happens.
History of the Futures Studies
A.I. and scenario planning (EN)
Stefan Michel, Why the future of AI marks the end of scenario planning, Strategy, Dec 2023
Définitions (FR)
Sur une page sans doute oubliée du site GPE-Afrique :
Il semblerait que cette dernière définition provienne de l'article : Godet, M. & Durance, P. (2011). Chapitre?1. De la rigueur pour une indiscipline intellectuelle. Dans : M. Godet & P. Durance (Dir), La prospective stratégique: Pour les entreprises et les territoires (pp. 17-58). Paris: Dunod.
futurologist, researcher, innovator, CEO MindUp, PhD senior lecteurer UKEN of Cracow,
1 年"the need to challenge the use old metaphors to allow for new narratives and better futures to emerge" - is that what we urgently need, and in the same time is very difficult because of all the metaphors, definitions, words and narration that we live with ...
Directrice associée de l'agence Rumeur Publique et fondatrice du Podcast REboussolages
1 年Passionnant et si juste : abandonner les futurs obsoletes ; questionner les métaphores qui les entretiennent. Merci Fabienne GOUX BAUDIMENT