March 18, 2025 - National Ag Day!
National Ag Day recognizes and celebrates the value of agriculture in our daily lives. The National Ag Day program encourages Americans to:?
Looking for resources to help bring National Ag day alive in your classroom? Cultivate these SAFARI Montage learning objects for your lesson plans!
Food and Agricultural Science (Ambrose Video) - This 7-volume series features interviews with experts from the top food and agricultural research universities across the country and presents the latest research in smart agriculture, food safety and preservation, personalized nutrition and sustainable food systems. Grades 9-Adult.?
What is Agriculture? (Schlessinger Media)?- Children will enjoy following along as young hosts visit different kinds of farms, from a dairy farm to a farm that raises sheep for wool. Kids will get an up-close look at traditional ways of milking cows and collecting eggs, then discover that many farmers can do these same things with machines. They'll learn how cotton is grown and spun into yarn. And they'll even see how timber is milled into lumber that is used to build houses. English/Spanish. Grades K-2.?
Crash Course Geography: How Do We Produce Food??- This irreverent, fast-paced and humorous video from John and Hank Green's Crash Course series discusses agricultural production. Topics covered include grain, cattle, agricultural ecosystem, aquaculture, herding, scale, subsistence agriculture, small-scale agriculture, family farms, industrial agriculture, polyculture, intercropping, Asia, crop rotation, monoculture, the Philippines, terrace farming, low input vs. high input agriculture, intensive vs. subsistence system, biodiversity, coral triangle, Spanish colonization, encomienda (plantation), commercialization, globalization, economies of scale, flooding, crop failure, vertical integration, seasonal migrant labor, soil degradation, aquifers, climate change, agroecology, innovative financing, and microloans. Grades 7-Adult.
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Occupations - This video from CareerOneStop provides information about occupations in the agriculture, food and natural resources career cluster, which relates to the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing and development of agricultural commodities and resources, including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products and resources. Grades 6-Adult.
Into the Outdoors: Careers in Agriculture and Soy Production (TMW Media)?- Highlights four careers related to the field of agriculture and the production of soy, the leading American export. Each career assists farmers in growing, marketing, and selling a product that keeps the farm viable and helps provide safe and healthy food for the world's population. Grades 5-10.?
Rebuild the World: Agriculture?- In this video from LEGO Education, Tyler Froberg discusses his job as a farmer, including growing fruits and vegetables, maintaining a farmer's market, educating the community about how food is grown and where food comes from, innovation, technology, and STEAM skills like resilience, communication, and problem solving. The video includes an activity for students about farming. Grades K-6.
Future Jobs: Soil & Water Conservationist - This video from WQED discusses conservationist careers like soil and water conservationists and agricultural conservationists, who have an essential role in maintaining the health of soil, food, and water systems, and work to study and test agricultural land. Educational information and wages are also discussed. Grades 6-Adult.
Peanut Careers: Agricultural Engineers - This video from Georgia Public Broadcasting discusses the peanut industry with Simerjeet Virk, an agricultural engineer and extension precision agriculture specialist at the University of Georgia, who works closely with growers on different agriculture equipment and technology adoption. Grades 3-8.
Regenerative Agriculture?- This video from The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation discusses regenerative agriculture and the use of natural fertilizers, like composted manure, which return nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium back to the soil, while helping the soil retain moisture. Synthetic nitrogen and other commercial fertilizers eroding the relationship between animals and the land is also discussed. Grades 6-Adult.
How It's Made: Cotton - This video from Science Channel explains how cotton is harvested and processed. After a mechanical cotton picker harvests the cotton from the plant, a machine shapes the cotton into large blocks called modules. At the processing plant, the cotton is cleaned and then separated into seed and lint. Cotton seed is sold as livestock feed or converted into cottonseed cooking oil, while cotton lint is formed into bales and sent to textile mills. Grades 5-Adult.
How the Modern Cotton Industry Uses Science, from Farming to Manufacturing?- This video from Sci NC discusses the modern cotton industry and its utilization of science from farming to manufacturing including creating new seeds through gene editing technology and developing new techniques to make clothing. Grades 6-Adult.
Farm to Market: Wool (Phoenix Learning Group)?- Follow the journey of wool as it is grown, processed and then transported to its final destination. This program begins at the ranch, where sheep are sheared of their woolly fleece. Viewers will follow the wool as it is sorted, carded, stretched and spun into yarn before it is finally woven into fabric on a loom. Grades K-4.?
How Wool Becomes Clothes?- This video from SciShow Kids follows the major steps necessary to process wool from sheep to fabric, including shearing, cleaning, sorting, carding, spinning, and weaving. During the cleaning process, lanolin is collected and used to make hand lotions. Grades K-5.?
What is Biofuel? - This video from Mission Unstoppable discusses biofuels and how they are made from organic matter like crops with chemistry teacher Jennifer Stimpson, who taught her students how to use biofuels to power their school bus. A demonstration showing how to make biodiesel using soybean oil, which is comprised of five polyunsaturated fatty acids, methanol, and sodium hydroxide (lye) is presented. Reduction of fossil fuel use and climate change are also discussed. Hosted on YouTube. Grades 6-Adult.