MARCH 15 - Beware the Ides of March
Philip McMaster
Co-Founder ConscienceLAND, SDGx.LIVE, World Sustainability Org. ConscienceLARP &
Beware the Ides of March… School Strikes around the world on March 15th are just the beginning as the revolution in ConscienceLAND grows
Coinciding with the full moon, March 15th was traditionally the DEADLINE for settling debts and famously, the historical turning point for Rome, when as Shakespeare described on the Ides of March, Julius Cesar was murdered and the precipitous fall of the Roman Empire began.
In the emerging Sustainable World Order of the Republic Of Conscience / ConscienceLAND, we see the language and our descriptions of the world rapidly changing.
The old world of individual rent-seeking and profit-making cycles is shifting to a language of communal, holistic and naturally based cycles. Peace, balance, harmony and a Lifestyle Of Voluntary Effort (L.O.V.E.) express a newfound and fundamental respect for our Earthly home.
The language and dialogue is changing as the School Strikes, Extinction Rebellion and EARTHmobilization efforts illustrate the SDGurgency to fix the SDGchallenge before 2030.
Although the Romans didn’t use the same calendar as we do, looking back, Wednesday, appears to be the likeliest match for the day of the Ides of March in 44 B.C.
So now, in the spirit of breaking through the old paradigms and seeing things with fresh eyes, why shouldn’t we begin to describe Change Wednesday, (3 Day - the middle of the Republic Of Conscience week) as our “Weekly IDES”.
Today, CHANGE WEDNESDAY is our “Reminder Day to SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG” at least once a week, essential for De-Zombification and getting humanity back on the track to being human. Maybe we could add IDES to Wednesday as the day of the week or the month that accelerates the accounting cycle, a sort of direct democracy, settling our own personal psychosocial accounts as well as holding our Emperors to report and reveal - before their misdeeds go down the memory hole.
Like the Chinese Mandate Of Heaven, in reality our overlords only have our permission to protect us, not to lead us into near human extinction for the sake of their murderous profit.
BEWARE! emperors of war, commerce, politics or any other imperial aspirations. On the Ides of March 2019, your daughters, sons and other conscience conspirators will march on every continent except Antarctica (30 countries so far).
These energetic netizens spearheaded by Greta Thunberg know your name, your address and what you have done to their future, and boy are they pissed.
Linked together like long decentralized blockchains of censorship resistance and immutable information, the truth of this generation will not be suppressed. Youth are defying the invisible hand and judging us all on our track records, competence, relevance and honesty whether we like it or not.
As SustainaClaus continues to travel the globe in solidarity with youth and the urgent education of parents, the Naughty and Nice List grows, the SDG WishList grows and the blooming youthful energy behind it is becoming unstoppable.
(12:08) Assertive Message to Parents and Adults from SustainaClaus (COP24):
(01:59) Gentle message from SustainaClaus at COP24:
Although the U.S. doesn’t represent well on the ConscienceLAND map, if the 941,000 Parkland Shooting “March for Our Lives” twitter followers were to get out there on the Ides of March 15 and make their own low carbon footprints, it would be something for Roger the Reality Rooster to crow about and make “Wednesday” the Low Carbon Panda very, very proud.
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Republic Of Conscience / ConscienceLAND - A name inspired by poet Seamus Heaney. A state of mind for, by and of the people, created by an emerging borderless citizenry in a fresh new world devoted to solving the planets Social, Economic and Environmental crisis.
ChangeWednesday - is the weekly Day of Change, SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG.
Wednesday the Low Carbon Panda - One of the Sustainies, the cuddly promoter of the SDGchallenge and aka Commander Panda, leading you to SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG.
Roger the Reality Rooster - Speaking Truth to Power, Roger is one of the Sustainies sounding the CLIMATE ALARM.
EARTHmobilization - calls to action citizens of ConscienceLAND to act on Near Term Human Extinction in every way possible. First priority is the SDGchallenge.
SDGurgency - the emergency to urgently achieve the Sustainable Development Goals before 2030.
SDGchallenge - a viral awareness campaign to promote and fund SDG-friendly efforts around the planet.
De-Zombification - Too many of us are addicted to our mobiles. We don't want to be Zombies. Especially children need help.
L.O.V.E. - Lifestyle Of Voluntary Effort
LongChainMarch - Popularizing tour of “How the Blockchain Saved the World” through social and economic democracy.
SustainaClaus - the Sustainable SantaClaus - devoted to supporting kids and educating parents.
Naughty & Nice List - Send your nominations to “SustainaClaus at"
SDG Wish List - Children letting adults know the Sustainable Development Goals they want solved.
"3FingerW" - Search tag for more World Sustainability Project IMAGES, VIDEOS, ARTICLES
Social Media:
Twitter: @philipmcmaster @conscienceLAND @Selfie3paris
Facebook: #SustainaClaus &
#YouthClimateStrike, #WednesdayWisdom, #SchoolStrike4Climate , #FridaysForFuture , #ClimateStrike #GreenFridays #ChangeWednesday , #3FingerW, #ConscienceLAND , #RebelforLife #SDGchallenge #LowCarbonPanda #cambiamenticlimatici #wecansolvethis #climatejustice #sigamonoslosbuenos #ringtheclimatebell #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAlarm #rebel4life #RogerRealityRooster #Strike4GlobalFuture