March 15, 2024
Is Your Home Part of Your Retirement Plan?
Retirement planning is all about making sure you have enough assets, and that they are handled prudently, so they can provide you with the income you want throughout your retirement.
But what about the asset you live in? Factoring your home into your retirement planning has an impact on your lifestyle choices, your available income, your late-stage retirement, and even your estate plan.
Given the increase in home prices we’ve seen over the last decade, the question of whether you should stay in your home, downsize, or even upsize is a little more complicated now. And higher interest rates are increasing the complexity.
Headlines We're Tracking:
The Problem with 60/40
Discipline Funds - Cullen Roche
Don’t worry. This isn’t a post about how the 60/40 portfolio is “dead”. We talked about how that was nonsense last year and a 60/40 portfolio was up 20% last year right when everyone was declaring it dead. Instead, we’re going to talk about a new framework for thinking about any diversified multi-asset portfolio and where it does and does not make sense.
Dance With The Portfolio That Brought You
Fortunes & Frictions Blog - Rubin Miller
It might feel like finally...some long-awaited upward momentum, and that it will keep going up. Or it might feel bonkers that amidst all the world's complexities, divisiveness, wars and challenges, that obviously stocks must reverse and go down.
Are You On Track for Retirement?
We've fielded a ton of questions from readers like you over the years. From investing to insurance to entrepreneurship to retirement to taxes, you all have asked questions covering almost every corner of financial planning.
That being said, there's one question that tends to come up more frequently than any other. The most asked question, by far, is whether you're "on track". On track for retirement. On track to buy that business or that new house. On track to pay down debt. On track toward your other goals. While answering one off questions might be helpful to engaged readers like you, it doesn't really help you determine whether you're "on track."
Which is precisely why we're rolling out WealthGauge. WealthGauge is a 3-minute assessment to give you direction surrounding whether you're "on track". To be clear, WealthGauge is not advice or a deep dive analysis. It's some quick feedback about your financial situation and our thoughts on what to look out for. No more, no less.
Click the link below to take our short questionnaire. We'll run your information through our financial planning software, and email you a short, private video sharing the output and thoughts & observations.
Recent YouTube Videos
My Top 5 Early Retirement Planning Tips
Lots of folks want to quit their jobs and step into retirement before their mid 60s.? If you’re fortunate enough to do so, there are a few major planning considerations you need to review first.? This video covers the top five issues to plan for if you’re retiring early.
Latest From the Podcast
Mailbag! Should I Sell My Bond Funds That Have Lost Money?
Welcome to another mailbag episode.
It’s not a surprise that the value of bond funds has gone down with the high interest rates in the past couple of years. But is it a good enough reason to dump your bond funds over it? In this mailbag questions episode, we discuss PIMCO Total Return Instl.., the risks of dumping your bond funds, debt payments, and more.
Everything You Need to Know About SBA Lending with “SBA Ray,” Ray Drew
This week’s episode of Grow Money Business features Ray Drew. Ray is a top-producing SBA 7a Lender, podcast host, and SMB investor. He is currently working as the Managing SBA Business Development Officer at Fund-Ex Solutions Group. Throughout his career, Drew has focused on assisting small business owners with the complexities of small business administration loans. It is his responsibility to assist the entrepreneur in developing a tailored loan solution that addresses the specific requirements of the business. He joined us today to talk about the primary business loan program of SBA, change of ownership, non-bank lenders, the role of a business development officer, and more.
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