Wash., DC - Mr. President, I have a wise and childhood friend - John Pinho, Esq. - from the great State of New Jersey and from Mortosa - Torreira - if not mistaken. Great guy. You really should invite him to Belem.

John often reminds me of his dear father's advise to him - the late Mr. Pinho: "In the land of the blind, the one-eye man is king."

Mr. President, you and I don't often see eye-to-eye, but I can certainly respect and appreciate a leader that can see "the big picture," when others - the Portuguese Ambassador here in Washington, and the soon to be Secretary of the Portuguese Communities, the Foreign Minister, the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister - are in denial.

They all fail to see the truths you and I do. I share this article to make the point, as I have past ones.

Rela??o transatlantica: Marcelo ataca Trump, Governo espera para ver, e especialistas pedem aten??o aos A?ores

For years, Portugal as skillfully and strategically used the Azores location in the Atlantic superbly to advance its national security and foreign policy.

I highly recommend all to read this text:

Operation Alacrity: The Azores and the War in the Atlantic

That "strategic edge" may soon come to an end.

After all, the 2x impeached; and 34x times convicted felon - under his imperialistic policy of "America First" may just take over the islands - not for America - but himself.

Far fetched? As the article bellow reminds us, he has threatened Canada, Greenland and Panama.

What's to stop this narcissist from invading the islands and terminate the long-standing accords? Panama and the US signed a treaty. It apparently is pretty meaningless. No such thing as sovereignty. Isn't the old world order done?

Perhaps, his enabler - former Congressman Devin Nunes - might - for once - do the right thing. But given the former Congressman's past - idiotic decisions - I won't hold my breath. Nunes might want to rename the Islands after himself. This is the Administration that just renamed the "Gulf of Mexico" the "Golf of America."

incidentally, I'm shocked that Trump did not nominate Nunes as his Ambassador to Portugal. Oh yeah, even he might not pass conformation - even in a Republican controlled Congress.

Trump might even ask Portugal to pay the United States for the "protection" the islands have provided for Portugal and the EU.

He might "negotiate" for "Trump International" hotels and golf courses. Stunning water views - The "Riviera of the Atlantic."

Actually, might not be a bad idea, as long as the local population benefits. Nah, he's known for stiffing his creditors and employees.

So, thank you Mr. President for having the foresight and reminding - indirectly shaming - those Luso-Americans who voted for this despot. Thank you for remind all that there are serious repercussions for the decisions we make when we vote.

Hey, at least history will recall that you and I were on the same page. The right side. We called a dictator - dictator - when we worked for one or met with one.

For the record, I did point this out you a long time ago. At least you were wise to listen. That show's maturity and intelligence.

Lastly, I must ask. Do you know what the Government's "contingency plan" is for those Portuguese already facing deportation? I'm still waiting for a response.

By the way, when I assumed my current role as Counselor, I suggested that the role of the counselors - Council of the Portuguese Communities - was outdated and needed modernization.

If the need to understand and make all of these connections in today's vastly complicated world and geopolitics don't justify the need to have Counselors present in the arenas where decisions are being made - i.e., EU, NATO and UN - as mere observers - what good - what level of advice - can we provide to the Government?

We live in a world of smart phones. We need more worldly aware Counselors - not apologists - for a Government in denial.

My colleagues may detest my outspokenness, but they will never call me a "sellout" or "apologist." I'm nobody's "yes" man. I "speak truth to power." In time, I know they will do as well. We have more in common than what separates us.

Warm personal regards,

Mário Francisco da Costa Ferreira


Council of the Portuguese Communities

Washington, DC Consular Area

United States of America

PS: By the way, to be perfectly clear - when I used the expression - "in the land of the blind, the one-eye man is king" - by no means did I mean to imply that the US needs a king - more so and especially that the current president has already taken that title.

The US needs to be what it always strived to be - a democracy.

What we currently have in the US is an oligarchy - at best - and a de facto dictatorship - at worst.

Mr. President, we also agree on this. Perhaps we should chat.



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