Marathon Mastermind for Dummies- 0-5k in just few easy steps.

Marathon Mastermind for Dummies- 0-5k in just few easy steps.

Marathon Mastermind for Dummies- 0 -5K in just easy steps.

Can I run a 5k even if I have never run before?

Do I need any special clothing to train well?

How long should I train before I run my first 5k?

Is it normal to feel nervous before the run?

These are the commonly asked questions any new runner asks before attempting a long-distance run.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Planning is everything. Let's find out how.

First of all. Set your short-term goal. If you wish to start with 5K we start planning for a 5K run.

Running is a natural sport. However, distance running is not something you would do normally. So obviously depending on your lifestyle your knees, ankles, and other joints are adapted to your old ways.

You need to train, strengthen, and nourish your body to prepare for the impact.

So we go step by step. Gradually we will take you closer to your goal and trust me you will enjoy this journey.

Did you know booze and other intoxicants give you the same high as running… Really? Let's find out.

Isn’t it a question you often ask yourself why would a person wake up at 5:00 am on a Sunday to get ready to go for a run?

Hmm, the actual fun part is in the details? It is a known fact that when you consume intoxicants like alcohol or any other intoxicants your body releases Your Happy hormones Serotonin, Dopamine, and most of all Endorphins. These Hormones make you feel light and happy.

When you run your first 5k run at the finish point, your body releases these same hormones, giving you a feeling of greatness. Who does not like the sweet pain of success? The very sense of achievement YES I have done it. Eureka.

Remember Archimedes ran naked on the streets when he had his Eureka moment? That is called the Runners High. Interesting isn’t it?

So my first question to you is Why DRINK and ruin your body When you can run and build it?

A good idea without any action is just a sweet dream.

How bad can it get It was just a dream and it just felt sweet, Did it feel sweet to taste? No,

How is it sweet then? That’s exactly what dreams are they feel right but don’t feel good.

?To feel good you need to act upon your sweet dream.

For example, early morning when you wake up just at the break of dawn and suddenly decide to go for a morning stroll.

You don’t bother to get into your track pants just put on a pair of slippers and push off in your home shorts I am just going for a stroll.

Sometimes we all say AGE is just a NUMBER but deep down in our mind, we all know we ain’t 30 anymore yet we keep fooling ourselves.

Once you reach your mid-forties you begin to realise that age ain’t just a number unless you start working on building your body.

So are you ready to get started?? If you don’t agree with me please don’t read ahead this blog ain’t for you.

So coming back to my point how do you plan to run your maiden 5K and love it too? Sounds like you want to own the bakery and eat the cake too. Hmm not bad at all let's find out how we plan our first 5k.

So guys let's lace up to pace ourselves up at the race.

How to run your maiden 5k run and love it too.

Running your first 5K can be exciting and rewarding regardless of your current fitness level. As you may have heard “ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY” Similarly no long-distance runner started their long-distance journey overnight. If anybody claims otherwise either that person ain’t human or he is lying.

Long-distance running is a complete mind game. A game of Patience.

So we begin our day 1 with ? km stroll. Just wake up stroll for ? km and go back home you are done for the day. This way you have covered a distance of 1 km on your first day.

Watch how your body reacts to this shock. Are you comfortable breathing? is your leg hurting? If you have any of these symptoms you have done a good job. Your speed was faster than your normal strolling pace hence your body is reacting to this sudden change.

Don’t worry you have just accomplished your first victory. Pat your back and say good job man I am proud of you.

Day 2 you wake up early and go for your stroll try walking a bit faster than yesterday keep the distance constant.

Come back and watch your breathing. Is your leg throbbing? If you are breathing heavily Good job! Your heart is getting its exercise. Don’t worry your breathing will get back to normal in less than 5 min. If your leg is throbbing relax just dip your leg in ice water throbbing will stop.

Day 3 same routine constant distance but walk at a pace faster than you’re the day before. Your breathing should go up and your legs should feel the resistance.

Day 4 is tricky you have woken up early for the past 4 days, and your body is slightly getting used to the time. Your legs will hurt. The back will hurt too. How do you answer these missed calls? SIMPLY IGNORE. Go on with your routine 1 km walk faster than yesterday come back your breathing will be fast legs will hurt. RELAX.

Day 5 is the toughest. Your back hurts. Your leg hurts and suddenly every inch of your body hurts because your alarm is saying get up buddy time to run and your body says Shut Up buddy go back to sleep.

Your mind is playing games with you. When you are faced with this situation you run ? today and walk ? km back home. When you run you have tricked your mind once again. This is the day you go back home really tired. Relax you are on track. Watch your breathing for 5 min you will be as calm as ever again. Have a cold shower first then a hot shower. Watch the fatigue disappear.

Day 6 will be calm initially however the routine is a bit different today. Today is your long run day. Here you run ? km walk away from your house and another ? km so you have covered 1 km. Now run back homewards ? km as much as you can walk back the rest of the distance. Same cold shower first followed by a hot shower.

I know you are tired. There is a fun part.

Do let the sun go down

?Day 7 is a rest day. Today you will be up despite it being your rest day. OK, go for a brisk walk. You can have a good oil massage today preferably in circular motions. Apply a hot towel over your massaged body. You will realize your soreness has suddenly vanished.

But you will also realize you walk with ease. Your back feels lighter. Your body feels lighter. And even your sleep quality is better. Enjoy your day. Now roll back to week 2.

?Week 2 Day 1 Today you walk 750 m from your house maintain this distance for the entire week. This way you would cover 1.5 km per day for week 2. The routine is the same. Walk some distance run some distance say 10 steps run 10 steps walk choose your steps according to your convenience.

Your legs would scream at every stage but eventually, you will realize your legs are getting stronger. They are adapting to this change. It’s a positive sign that you can go higher.

Your legs are like your nagging boss they nag till you silence them with your patience. You will feel like you have got guns on your head and they won't go. You would also feel like some spirits have possessed you and they just won't let you sleep longer than 5:am.

On days that you don’t run you start feeling like you have don’t nothing productive that day. Don’t worry all you need is a rush of dopamine. You always have the next day to make up for your rest day.

Don’t You take my breath away?

?At all times you should monitor your breathing. Your heartbeat should not rise up at any given point in time. Remember you may be able to run faster but we need to ensure you run safe without any injuries. This is the drill for the second week the distance remains constant. The second week day 6 would be the long run day this time you run 3 K day 7 rest day.

Taming the shrew

Week 3 Today you will realise your first 1k run is much more smoother than the week prior. This means your leg muscles are getting stronger. This is when you go a bit faster than before. Walk when you feel tired. Try taking longer running lengths. Walk the rest. No worries. You are on track. This week you need to run 1k and 1k walk only. Till day 6 you need to do your long run 4 k next day rest day.

Week 4 Today you will feel that your 1k run is better than before go ahead and give it your best shot. You need to walk 1.5 km away from home. 1km run ? km walk. On your way back if you are up to it run some distance and walk the rest. Complete the circuit. On day 6 today you do your first 5k run. This one you need to do it as 1 k fast run ? k slow run, ? k walk. The again 1k fast run 1/2k slow run ? k walk. You have covered 2 k now complete the 5 k using this drill. Day 7 is rest day today your leg will hurt. Till this distance you need not worry too much about the leg pain you are doing is really slow. But you need to monitor your breathing. If your breathing is fast you need to slow down if it is slow then you need to speed up.

Day 7 is always a rest day today you need to refuel yourself with lots of water, and electrolytes. Day 5 you need to first do some stretching exercise, then do your run 3 k run. Day 6 would be 5 k this time you need to see to it your run is better than the week prior.

Continue this drill within 6 weeks you would be 5 k Ready.


You will notice many changes in your body. Your sleep quality has improved. Your body weight has decreased. You are walking more confidently. You no longer feel tired easily. You see your digestion getting better. You are more productive at work. Most of all you are more happy in life. That is of utmost importance.

These above symptoms are clear indications that my dear your body has begun aging backwards.

This is not the end of the story trust me it has just begun for you. Till then we shall come up with your next training schedule.

The day you see a Ghost while running and instead of running for your life you simply say Today ain’t that day I will meet you after I finish my loop. trust me you have transformed into a runner.

No more Saturday nights for you. You are suddenly the envy of everyone because you are healthier, fitter, and more happier than your friends.

You talk about your run all the time. Your Red tapes have magically been replaced by Nikes. Your Calvin Klien Denims have been replaced with Nike boxers trust me you are just about getting started for the big run.

This is the moment you need to cherish because my dear you have just started your journey towards a better you. God bless you.

So do you want this magic to happen in your life too.. Don’t just envy MARATHON RUNNERS. TRAIN FOR IT.


Chaula Shah

Trainer, Facilitator, Proud Mother , Parenting Trainer & Mindful Parenting Coach

1 年

Super.. I am 100 plus weight.. I hv enrolled for 5 km walk/ run.. I will do it.. Loose weight also in next 6 months.. You rock Smita Chowta


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