MAPS Method to Find Truck Drivers To Hire

MAPS Method to Find Truck Drivers To Hire

I usually get asked this question by trucking business owners:

“How do you find drivers Elroy”?

When it’s do so difficult for many companies to find drivers in this competitive market

If you need help finding drivers go here

If you're curious how I do it, let me break it down for you...

I am going to share my MAPS method to stand out and attract qualified drivers to hire online… If you miss one, you may have a hard time

Let's dive in

M is for Message… You have to have a compelling message about your mission and based on your ideal driver pains/desires that will attract them to your company.

A is for Ads... Whenever you are creating your ads, you have to craft your ads to make it stand out from your competitors and MUST be benefit driven, let it be about more about the driver needs and wants instead of you… Most ads fail because they make it about them. “I need drivers” Focus more on what you can do for them.

P is for Platforms… If you want experienced drivers, think to yourself where are they hanging out? When you want tires, you don’t go to the grocery store, you go to the tire shop right? You have to go fishing in the right pond. Place your ad where it can be seen by the right people.

S is for System... once you have one, you can Automate Lead Generation, have a consistent pipeline of high-quality drivers coming TO YOU and pre-qualify before speaking with them

When you have all these pieces put together, you will find the drivers you're looking for.

If you're paying for ads and not getting the results you want, something is missing and you're basically striking a match and setting your dollars on fire.

Want the proven strategies to get the drivers you want?

 Click Here

I'm here to help you thrive!

Drivers are the lifeblood of your trucking business.

If you have customers who need their freight and you can't deliver because you got your sexy trucks parked in the yard and no drivers

 your business WILL start to go down south sooner or later

 you do not want that to happen, do you?

 If you want me to help you put it together for your company connect with me Here

Have a fabulous day!



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