Mapping Bodies in Space-Time
Imagine an empty room sitting on the fabric of Space-Time. It's weight is stretching the fabric. As in the picture above. Now imagine people walking into the room and each one according to his/her own weight is also stretching the fabric. Now imagine that it isn't just a single layer but like a body of water and it surrounds each of us. Every step we take affects Space-Time. The ensuing effect of your movement sends signals through space-time. Even if you are standing still you have an effect on space-time.
I am working on a theory that will give us a new look at mapping every movement from the largest to the smallest object. Everything in the universe has an effect on space-time and therefore can be detected.
How do we detect the weight of the room and and the people in the room? How do we know exactly where they are, there shape, size etc.? Without using Radar, thermal imaging and the like.
In my work I am looking at how to use space-time itself to get a clear picture of everything that is affecting space-time.
I'm working to discover a method that will detect objects seen and unseen that pull on the fabric of space-time. Think of a spider that builds a web to catch what might be caught in its sticky web. Movement is detected from his fabric of space-time. Likewise we too can use the fabric of space-time to detect movement, size and shape. we have been using our eyes to see into the universe but suppose we can use space-time to measure distance, and objects all across the universe and on our own planet.
Imagine the advantage of being able to detect an enemies movements, the size of their forces and pinpoint exactly where they are in the sky or on the ground. Because space-time surrounds us all and everything that is in our universe, nothing can move or exist without affecting space-time.
When we discover a method to detect the weight and size of matter, bodies, etc. on space-time we can begin to create maps of the universe that we live in and know precisely where asteroids are or planets and suns even black holes. If we had sensors around the edge of the fabric of space-time we could tell each and every new object that appeared as well as when something disappears or disintegrates.