A Map...Math of Distraction
I'm currently reading Derek Thompson's book Hit Makers and researching Gloria Marks work on distraction and its all very fascinating and distracting from my personal pursuit of Meaning. The antithesis may be Viktor Frankl's book Man's Search for Meaning. Mr. Frankl had to focus his mind and choose his attitude to distract himself and survive a horrible situation. Today we are distracted by shiny, inane and interesting things this very post being one of them.
Are these distractions leading people down a path to a horrible situation and a meaningless life?...Tis a puzzlement?
"A paper map that is the exact size of the empire it describes is “Useless,” because a map is only of service if it is small enough for somebody to hold and read it. The world is complex. But all meaning comes from wise simplification." Thompson, Derek. Hit Makers: How to Succeed in an Age of Distraction (p. 15). Penguin Publishing Group.
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