MAPLe? is giving me back control over my pelvic floor
This week we received an impressive testimonial from one of our UK Pelvic Physiotherapists, Caroline Callister . Caroline is Pelvic Health Specialist Physiotherapist at "Pelvic & Core Physiotherapy" in Strathaven.
Caroline graduated from The University of Salford with a First Class BSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy in 2005. On completion of her degree, she began her career in the NHS and specialised into Pelvic and Core rehabilitation in 2009.
Caroline provides specialist physiotherapy assessment and individualised treatment for a number of Pelvic and Core muscle conditions. We are happy to share her experience with you:
My patient had Covid at the very start in 2020. She struggled with a terrible cough and was very unwell for a number of weeks. Due to this, she began to struggle with faecal incontinence.
I met her in January 2021 when she found my private clinic.
We have tried everything over the last few years (she is under colorectal at the hospital and seen a number of specialists who can't offer a solution). NMES has helped to gain an improved tone to her pelvic floor, so I thought, once I'd purchased my MAPLe?, that'd we'd give it a go. She has 2 probes, we alternate between vaginal, to work more on Puborectalis, and rectal, concentrating on the EAS, for our treatments.
As you can see, there was very little going on. We have been using MAPLe? for 5 months now. We started by treating weekly, but are now treating every other week and mostly concentrating on Puborectalis.
Our last readings for MVC was:
I have found the CPR settings have given us some fast twitch activity which is now measuring Peak EMG of 18.4 (average EMG 5.1) with most activity seen at puborectalis. Our initial readings had a peak EMG of <2, so I really feel this is helping. She can now feel 10 MVC's independently and has this set as her home exercise program. I have also noticed that her resting tone is much improved and she is often getting sensation that something is in her rectum, which gives a little more time to get to the toilet which has aided in reducing episodes of faecal loss.
We have, of course, looked at diet and addition of psyllium husk etc. to improve stool consistency, but this is alongside her consultant as she has had a previous colectomy, so dosage is quite high…”
Are you interested to know more about MAPLe? for detailed diagnosis and targeted treatment of the Pelvic Floor with biofeedback? Contact us at Novuqare Pelvic Health B.V. or Pioneer Medical Europe (UK) / GenaMed (IRE).
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