Map or Compass
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
You don't need a map or a plan.
Life and Business are changing MUCH too rapidly for a 5-year business plan. Even a GPS unless CONSTANTLY updated will not get you where you're supposed to be.
How many times has your GPS been wrong; and take you somewhere that was TOTALLY incorrect?
The ONLY thing that works in today's world...
And the ONLY thing that will get you where you're potentially able to go...
Is a compass.
And once you know how to read it, you will NEVER fail.
Oh yeah, you may stumble, you'll do battles, and you'll DEFINITELY face challenges, but you will ALWAYS get where you're supposed to be.
And your compass is INTERNAL, not external.
The challenge is learning how to distinguish between the internal chatter of socialized mind, your childhood programming; and the clarity of your INTUITION and your Higher Self.
No easy task.
Let's face it, your mind is a battlefield; and YOU are most often NOT the General you are a mere soldier.
You are NOT holding the True North Compass.?
You are being spun this way and that like an amusement park ride.
It takes WORK to find your own compass.
Leadership Success in BOTH Life and Business is 95% psychology and only 5% strategy.
Take Your Power Back!
Find your True North.
Focus on the CAUSE versus the effect.
When you get tired of following all the hyped-up plans and strategies that don't work, you'll come HOME to what does work.
When you get tired of chasing your own happiness and fulfillment in external promises and things, you'll come HOME to your authentic meaning and purpose.
Life and Time are NOT getting any longer.?
Are you ready to re-member with who you truly are? Are you ready to create what you desire and deserve? Quantum Leap on September 24th-26th, 2021 Via Zoom. Command Your Mind. Command Your Life! Details here:
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