Many prominent speakers have a book. How about you?

Many prominent speakers have a book. How about you?

Top speakers often have a book that extends the message they share from the stage. Their books are an extra element for them, a chance to delve deeper into their subject matter than they can in the time allotted for a keynote speech.

If you are a speaker, you should want this too. Yes, whet the audience appetite, convince, and connect from the stage. Then amplify your message and draw them to your book for more of what you want to share with them.

Your book can put the words of your message into a tangible form, a resource that can be referenced again and again.

Your book also will make the words spoken from the stage more credible and authoritative for future speaking engagements. It’s fuel for a very powerful circle of connection between spoken word and print word for your audience. They grow from each other.

Your book can be a hard worker for you and earn you a competitive edge in your speaking business.

You’ve likely had this experience: you heard a captivating message from a speaker and wanted to know more. You probably checked to see if they had written a book. It’s sort of a reflexive action these days. Or maybe you found yourself joining the line to purchase a book from the speaker’s table after a compelling presentation.

Shouldn’t your audiences be able to do the same thing? Without a book you will miss out on this opportunity.

Not to mention, there is no question on this: a book adds to the prestige of the author. And if you happen to have your book available on, you are tapping into the second-largest search engine in the world.

Maybe you are asking yourself if you have what it takes to be an author. As a speaker, you actually have 6 good reasons to say “Why, yes, I do!”

1. You know how to start with the "Why."

As a speaker you know you must craft your speech to guide your audience toward a distinct goal or conclusion. You know to connect with your audience you must be authentic and clearly understand the outcome you want from your speech. You narrate the journey with clear purpose, direction, and organization. This practice for your speaking is a solid foundation for the capability to convey your message in a book. The underlying "Why" of your message is what will inspire action or change when your audience hears you speak or readers read your book.

2. You know that your true self is what sets your voice.?

Authors must present their truest self. As a speaker, you have an advantage in showing your true self because you are developing your stage presence, honing your communication skills, and delivering messages that are important for you to share with others. You can let your on-stage voice resonate in your writing, giving your book the same energy and spirit as your spoken messages.

3. You carry a clear message.

The foundation of a great speech is a clear message and a connection to the audience. What makes a speech outstanding—your detailed advice, the motivation or inspiration you instill, the entertainment you deliver, and your ability to engage with your audience—also applies to writing. Using the same precision that you exhibit in preparing your keynotes is what will give the message you deliver in your book your own distinct uniqueness.

4. You captivate and maintain your audience's interest by swiftly unraveling a mystery.

You know the most effective presentations provide an answer to a pressing question or guide to a transformation. Your goal is to deliver exactly what the audience seeks—answers, solutions, or victories. You possess the skill to offer immediate actionable insights in response to the audience's interests. This ability to meet the audience's needs can be just as powerful in your book. The book then becomes that tangible resource for your message.

5. You’re already an expert.?

You have boldly claimed your experience in your field to speak from the stage to entertain, motivate, inspire, or educate—to promote positive change. Now level up your expert status and create a book. Your book will open up additional avenues for your audience to learn and grow, and that book will add another layer of authority and credibility for future speaking opportunities.

6. You possess insights and strategies to share with your audience.

As a speaker, you use your expertise to impart tested and proven insights, concepts, and strategies to your audience, providing access to a transformative experience. When you leverage that same expertise in a book, you have the opportunity to delve deeper into these ideas, insights, and solutions using concrete examples from your career and client engagements to elaborate on the key themes of your talks.

Unlock New Opportunities and Connect

Now that the question is settled about having what it takes as a speaker to write a book, there are other factors to weigh when considering a book in your future. Books are magical. They have the ability to open doors, start conversations, and transform our thinking. With your book you can unlock new opportunities and connect to an even wider audience to spread your message.

Establish Authority And Credibility

Publishing a book does position you as an authority in your field and that authority carries professional weight. Mike Schulz, principal of the Wellesley Hills Group, conducted a study in 2006 with business book authors to find out if a book helped the authors or their business. Schulz reported, "The vast majority of the authors we surveyed -- 96% -- said they did realize a significant positive impact on their businesses from writing a book and would recommend the practice."

Additionally, reporters seeking expert quotes for their articles or stories can discover you through your book and seek you out for a quote. It's a common reaction to view someone as an authority on a subject and say they "wrote the book" on it when we recognize their expertise.

Amplify Reach And Build A Platform

Publishing a book opens the door to engaging with a wider audience. It offers recognition for your message and can create a loyal following. Through the strategic use of marketing avenues and social media, you can significantly expand your book's visibility beyond your direct contacts. Having a book published elevates your presence in your field, provides a larger stage for your voice, and fosters opportunities that would not likely have occurred otherwise.

Moreover, if you do decide to include listing your book on in your publishing plans, you are connected to a powerful search engine, further amplifying your reach.

Heightened exposure can enhance book sales and open doors to consulting opportunities, speaking invitations, and media appearances, extending your platform even further.

Generate Leads And Expand Your Customer Base

A well-crafted book is one of the most powerful lead generation tools. You can use your book to attract potential customers and create conversations by offering solutions to your readers’ problems.

This helps lead to a steady stream of qualified leads and conversations, ultimately driving business growth.

Leverage Your Book For Speaking Engagements

The prestige of having a book can open more doors to speaking opportunities at conferences, industry summits, and corporate gatherings. Such engagements can bring in extra revenue for the author and event sponsor (increasing your value to them). Offering access to your book for an event increases value to event attendees, fosters stronger relationships with varied audiences, and broadens your network.

Build Your Personal Brand?

Books are a powerful tool for you to shape and strengthen your personal brand. Through the process of creating your book, you can gain even greater message clarity, increase your competence, and grow your confidence. Your book allows you to hone your unique voice, values, and expertise.?

Wrapping your message with your own experience stories will resonate with your audience and set you apart from your competitors.

Open Doors To New Opportunities

Publishing a book can unlock a world of thrilling prospects. It can set the stage for media appearances, guest blog posts, podcast interviews, and other interesting collaborations, serving as a springboard for growth and partnership.

Books provide vast opportunities for achieving higher success from building authority and trust to expanding visibility and attracting leads. By leveraging the advantages of publishing, you can discover new possibilities, engage with broader audiences, and position yourself in your field.

If you're ready to elevate your speaking business and brand, tap into your capabilities and explore becoming a published author. Seize the chance to share your expertise, perspectives, and stories beyond the stage through your book, and let the authority of your book grant you access to even greater speaking opportunities.

Justin Sawyer, E.I.

Amplifying the marketplace reach for bi-vocational creatives | Trying to understand this thing we call the Human Experience | Exploring answers to the “Why?”s of life

5 个月

What’s the biggest pain point y’all hear from potential authors that leads them to not write a book?



