Not many Know of the Ideal-Age to Start a Business?
Paras Gaba
7.5K Connections? Empowering Startups & Businesses to Streamline Internal & External Operations with Cutting-Edge Technology!
It is hard not to find faults with your 30-year-old self when you see someone rise to fame & success. You may think your age is running by and you are not able to focus on your entrepreneurial endeavors.
Growing age has its pressures and some people even give up on a lot of their desires after a certain age. Now if you think if age has got anything to do with the entrepreneurship, well, It has! At least a Professor from Syracuse University has some concrete findings to it.
A study by Professor Carl Schramm, Author of Burn the Business Plan, says that people aged 35, or above, are more likely to start a business and succeed at it. It further adds that “Americans who are 35 or older are 50 percent more likely to start a business than their younger counterparts.”
So those of you in your late 20's or early 30's and are still working on an idea shall ponder on this aspect of entrepreneurship and silence their negative thoughts related to calendars.