There are as many green shades as there are green conversations
Yael Rozencwajg
Founder and CEO @ Wild Intelligence | AI safety, cybersecurity, enterprise AI mission
Welcome to The Road to Sustainability Weekly Reviews.
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This is a preview of my weekly insights. For the full commentary, please read it on the Sustainability insights .
Hello, people of the world, friends, and colleagues,
? In the latest poll conducted, 65% of the respondents answered "Yes" to the question "Does your company need a chief ESG officer?" See how people voted and commented: join the conversation here .
I hope March will bring peace to the world. Sustainability has never been so meaningful on the road to peace from disturbance. There’s an urgent need for?new perspectives?anchored in this very roadmap of ours. To achieve sustainability, our leaders—but also each one of us—need to make strategic choices and work backward?to find information that will best deliver efficient business objectives and concrete long-term decisions.
Please stay safe and healthy.
This newsletter has a new format to help us engage more. I hope you like it.
Unhappy ?|?Meh ?|?It's good ?|?I'm happy, I share the ?? .
I appreciate you.
?? Summary
1. Weekly commentary preview, “There are as many green shades as there are green conversations”?February 2022, week #9
“The world of the future is in our making. Tomorrow is now.”—Eleanor Roosevelt.
I will start this weekly commentary with a conclusion: the consequences of the current political conflicts (there are many) will be to redouble the importance of building resilience into the global supply chains and production systems (water, food, waste management, healthcare, and more).
These conflicts will change the world's geopolitical landscape. And this transition is about to fundamentally reshape risk and return dynamics across all sectors and asset classes but also deeply impact our decisions and needs.
Despite these critical constraints, the world is well on its way to creating a policy environment that encourages initiatives to decrease emissions and mitigate global warming. While these mitigation actions may help reduce the worst long-term effects of climate change, given the half-vitality of GHGs already in the atmosphere, climate impact during the next 30 years is inescapable. A new economic reality is necessary.
The only option for our society is to adapt to a changing climate—[Continue reading Premium subscribers]
2. This week by the numbers: climate change highlights and critical data
2.1—Curated articles of February 2022, week #9
???Get the weekly curated list of news and highlights about climate change, ESG, and sustainable finance, regulation, and more?in your inbox every Wednesday .
? This upcoming Wednesday's lead topic is:?"?? We are wrong about climate change, Sustainability insights—Week 9, 2022"?to make sure you receive it,?subscribe here .
2.2—Data of the world, Data of the world,?CO2: 3,071?days until we reach the 450ppm threshold
? Please consider sharing climate change critical data with your community by forwarding this email or tweeting?this .
3. Ask the experts series, podcast: "Challenging the systemic risks and addressing global issues"; media, resources, and archives
3.1—Monique Aiken and William Burckart on challenging the systemic risks and addressing global issues
In this Ask the experts episode, I have the privilege to discuss with two impressive people, Monique Aiken , managing director and William Burckart , COO and President of The Investment Integration Project, a consulting services and applied research firm that provides advice, thought leadership, and a turnkey solution to help investors manage systemic risks and opportunities.
We covered the following topics to better understand the perspectives of sustainable investing based on applied research.—[View it now on our YouTube channel ].
3.2—Media, resources, and archives
? ?Introduction to sustainability: ?sustainability explained in 13 minutes.
??Special community: Latest sustainability insights
? Join the conversation Does your company need a chief ESG officer?
??Subscribe now: Weekly charts | YouTube channel | LinkedIn page
? ?Archives: the complete list of The Road to Sustainability reviews .
? Enjoy the weekly reviews? Please help us make it bigger and better by sharing it with your colleagues and friends. Thank you also for your thoughtful?feedback .
??Reminder: this review is published in its full version on Sundays on Substack for premium subscribers and preview on Mondays on LinkedIn.
If you are reading this and like it, please consider?sharing it .
4. Get updates: improve your focus on what really matters
21,000+ subscribers and counting already receive our newsletter each week, including people from all industries and sectors, Fortune Global 500 companies, governmental and non-governmental agencies, top VCs, fast-growing startups, and entrepreneurs from all around the globe.?
We are ramping up our efforts to rethink sustainability, advance market innovations, the science and policy that will accelerate change, to build a more efficient, safe, and inclusive world.
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$0/mo—Free subscribers: our acclaimed Monday weekly review + Wednesday newsletter explores the state of the world on climate change, links with charts, forecasts, and predictions about agriculture, buildings, electricity, manufacturing, and transportation.
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Premium subscribers get the Monday weekly review + Wednesday newsletter + Sustainability insights: an exclusive weekly column, in-depth analysis, and reviews. Premium subscribers also have access to the complete archive of over 60 issues and resources (notes, video-audio recordings).
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5. Information
???The IEEE Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative ?is an IEEE program whose purpose is to ensure every technologist is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems. The Initiative is global, open, and inclusive, welcoming all individuals or representatives of organizations dedicated to advancing technology for humanity. Please reach out to me directly to learn how to join the Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative team.
???The Road to Sustainability ?is a global network to build a more efficient, safe, and inclusive world. Sustainability is a fundamental part of every organization's culture, investment goals, and actions as a responsible business undergoing changes and being transferred between paradigm shifts.
???Nevelab Technologies ?is a purpose-driven platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide organizations with the tools to integrate sustainable imperatives while generating actionable insights.
??We partner with world-class technology providers and system integrators to deliver unmatched sustainability innovation tools and value.?Become a partner.
The Road to Sustainability? is an initiative by?Nevelab Technologies ?and is circulated for informational and educational purposes only.
Nevelab Technologies Research utilizes data and information from the public, private and internal sources, including data from actual Nevelab open data access. While we consider information from external sources reliable, we do not assume responsibility for its accuracy.
The views expressed herein are solely those of Nevelab Technologies as of this report's date and are subject to change without notice. Nevelab Technologies may have a significant financial interest in one or more of the positions and securities or derivatives discussed. Those responsible for preparing this report receive compensation based upon various factors, including, among other things, the quality of their work and firm revenues.
Expert en Sécurité Digitale, Retraité, Expert Cyber Menaces (Réserviste) Office Anti Cybercriminalité - OFAC
2 年?Thank you for posting Yael
Founder and CEO @ Wild Intelligence | AI safety, cybersecurity, enterprise AI mission
2 年?? Next week, I'll share about #sustainability and #web3. Stay tuned.
Founder and CEO @ Wild Intelligence | AI safety, cybersecurity, enterprise AI mission
2 年? For the complete list of reviews: ? For insights and community: ? Our website: ? Our YouTube channel: Cheers,