The Many Faces of the Victim Role
Center for the Empowerment Dynamic
Transforming Relationships by Applying The Empowerment Dynamic to Work and Life
From time to time everyone experiences the feeling of being powerless to life’s challenges.?When you feel powerless there is a good chance you will take on a Victim mentality, believing your hopes and dreams will never come true.
This is the origin of the Victim role—one of the three roles that make up the Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT).
Personal empowerment grows when you become aware of these patterns and choose to redirect your focus toward the innate goodness of your Creator essence, the foundation of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)?.
The?Victim role?manifests in several unique ways that we call the “many faces of the Victim.”?Each face contains a similar pattern that blames external circumstances or other people for what you don’t like. When mired in these nuanced “faces,” taking responsibility for your choices, rather than blaming external situations, is the key to personal transformation, yet often remains elusive.
It is important to remember that these expressions are defense mechanisms, and do not define who you are. At your core, you will always be a Creator. The hope is to become aware of the repeating patterns, allowing you to recognize and shift to more empowering, and easeful ways of being.
These faces are like actors in a play called Your Life. They are only roles playing their part and not your truest and highest self. Here are a few we’ve noticed:
You may resonate with one or more of these faces, or none. It is possible that you have identified another “face” that is uniquely yours. Either way, it is essential that you appreciate the value these faces have played in your life, otherwise your Inner-Persecutor will be triggered, causing you even more self-criticism.
We cannot change what we do not realize. By illuminating the many ways the Victim role may emerge in your life, you have a choice to transform these patterns and live fully in your?Creator essence.
Remember these characteristics are not who you are. They are simply habits developed over time to protect you. You are a Creator imbued with goodness and unlimited gifts and possibilities. Do you really understand that?