Manufacturing Renisance NOW

If you are paying attention just about no matter what your job, company, politics are you have seen an incredible awareness take hold how important domestic manufacturing is to our national defense, quality of life and economic success. You have also seen incredible talk of a very dull knife technique to address - tarriffs.

We at DCRA Inc. agree that using tarriffs to push back on predatory nation states that use manfuacturing to gain monopolistic control and kill off competition are necessary but we also believe are NOT the answer. The answer is to make Western economies (USA and allies) manufacturing assets (ROA - Return on Assets) widely more financially attractive then then this perpetual finacial engineering of sending the demonitator (the A = Manufaturing assets) off shore.

We have shared this playbook in form of a whitepaper that provides all from government, to CEO leadership to bottom up union leadership to small business and even "tech diplomats" as defined by the Krach institute and GTSC a method to use manfuacturing / supply chain design, capabilities / technologies to bury nation state predatory actions rapidly.

Will let you read the whitepaper and analyze but here are a few summary bullet points to get you thinking

  1. Using time to beat predatory manufacturing. A strong focus on more of a build to order manufacturing process. Provding tailored if not fully custom products in a short lead time is a model nation state long lead time predators cannot even begin to compete
  2. Synchronizing independent manfuacturing and distribution assets in the ecosystem such that they are more competitive then top down monopolies. Unleash the free enterprise spirt of spontaneous collaboration but do it engineered in method to synchronize the production schedules plans and execution
  3. Use the spirit of demand and supply balancing (S&OP process) but extend outside of centralized IT automation. Big supply chain tech all pretends they are the only tool while in reality there are millions of tools, platforms, coding models that all need to "talk". Check out how we solve this need complimenting all your exisitng technology investments not asking for wholesale replacement. Which is not affordable or even logical but is what all big tech sells
  4. Think about application of Forward Visibility and M8kit to the US and Western democracies. The government cannot and should not get into what when and how you manufacturer but sure could create an "interestate highway" system you can plug your plans and schedules into once and communicate with any and all. This is M8kit applied to national defense and US productivity enhancement
  5. China the CCP and PRC have definately analyzed global supply chains not only how to dominate but also as a strategic weapon to control choke points or as Goldratt would describe as constraints . The CCP's goal not to control for pure economic advantage but for pure strategic military , way of life advantage. This cannot be tolerated and makes the material in this whitepaper and use of tarrifs to buy time for sustainable "Wealth of Nation" advantaged models an imperative every US citizen should not just understand but should be higly volval advocates

So digest the whitepaper and give us a shout. We are assembling an all star team to demonstrate and illustrate how rapid and effortless rollout of Forward Visibility and M8kit can be. We have even developed a radically new construction process we call that allows industrial, residential and other buildings to be 80% manufactured off site, 20% adapted onsite assemble din days, at fraction of cost of current Tilt Slab, Red Iron or Wood structures that are litterally wind proof, fire proof and waterproof. The tecnique use specialized concrete and steel to make any building gorgeous and attractive ! The entire process is build to order, from two key raw materials, highly decentralized, highly free market, all built in the USA ! We lead by example and can help your business do the same !

Let's Make Supply Chains Great for Free Markets and Democray !


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