Majority of us have felt about not having job satisfaction due to various reasons like, pay scale, work culture, working hours, work life balance etc. etc. etc.
Job satisfaction is nothing but the gap between how we think our job should be, and how actually it is. So lower the gap, higher will be the job satisfaction and vice versa. So typically speaking job satisfaction is our state of mind. And purely based on our own thought process only. Apparently major reasons of job dissatisfaction can be managed, up to some extent by developing our thought process only.
The biggest reason of job dissatisfaction, lower pay scale is because we compare our own pay scale with some other employee in the same dept. or same organization. Some time with person from some other organization too. Actually there is no base of comparison of our pay scale with any other person within or outside the organization. Pay scale may derive with many internal and / or external factors. And practically it is not in our hand also. But what is in our hand is our own price tag. What is your value, what is you deserve, that you only can define, and nobody else in this world. If you think you are underpaid, starts searching for your desired payout until you get it, till date compare downward for motivation and not upward. Similarly in the case of not having desired job profile also remember, “If you are not getting what you like, then like what you are having”. This is just to cultivate our mind to think positively. If you are dissatisfied with your job due to work culture, working hours, work life balance, then please think again, nothing is permanent in this world. Start searching the employer who will provide job as per your choice. If you manage to get it, you are good to go. Till then manage with your job in hand. Start finding interest in the existing job; make it more creative and personalize profile, do it in your own way that nobody else can do. Develop more relationship with the people within and outside the organization. Help them and take help from them at list professionally. Stay away from office gossips. Create your own brand within and even outside the organization.
After all above efforts, also practice to stay away from office work and thoughts of office work after you left office for the day until you enter the office next day morning. Remember nobody else can help you in this matter. You only have to face the situation and deal with in own way.