Mantra to build high-performing team
I got an opportunity to work with multiple teams across demographics and thought of penning down few thoughts on, why do we need high-performing team and what makes the team "high-performing".
I believe that it’s an aspirational goal and central desire to build high-performing team as it’s the team one can bank on to expect consistent delivery, which will lead to increase in success rate. It’s imperative to understand characteristics of high-performing team, when someone wants to build one.
Here are few key characteristics:
- Start with Why? - Although, it is important to start with Why as it gives deep and clear understanding, there is a tendency to complete a given job with perfection and within timeline. There are very few people, who want to know why am I doing the given task? If “Why” comes from implementor, it brings lot of clarity such as understanding the bigger picture, knowing pervasive impact, focussing on productivity improvement, utilising resources effectively and motivating self to take pride in being part of delivery team. The main inhibition in not asking why is lack of self-confidence stemmed from thinking that I might be exposed on lack of knowledge and skill to do a given job.
- Don't start when you are not ready - Clock to deliver as per agreed timeline starts ticking when team starts. High-performing team would always look for whether all the bases are covered, Is there any ambiguity? Is there any risk to be identified and mitigated? or Is there is further scope for exploration?
- Understand the bigger picture - There are two phases of understanding the bigger picture - one at the beginning and other during the journey of delivery. Both are equally important to achieve overall success.
- Back each other - Sense of one team and bonding with each other will take long way to achieve goal set the beginning and hence team always back each other.
- Quick Learner - It is very important characteristics of high- performing team. Team has steep learning curve and operates at escape velocity as soon as new things are learnt.
- Flexible - Being flexible in terms of availability and changing gears as per the requirements make team’s capability strong and welcome any additional work.
- Ability to fight back from adversity - There will be times when team’s motivation is down. They take feedback very seriously and find their way to fight back from adversity. There is no better feeling than one get during fighting back from adversity and set path for team's success.
- Self Driven - Team operates in auto-pilot mode. Team is passionate about goals and always strive to over achieve the goals
- Collaborate - I strongly believe complex problems can be solved efficiently by collaboration. It not only helps to improve time to market but also brings confidence in delivery capabilities
- Operate without boundaries - Team typically thinks that even if there is a boundary, it’s temporary. They would like to break it as soon as possible and operate in free zone. Team’s confidence and doing it time and agin brings an attitude of challenging the boundaries
- Fearless Approach - Team operate with ZERO fear when it comes to undertaking the most challenging assignment as welcoming new challenges is part of DNA. Also, team knows when to say "NO"
In my view, building high-performing team is an art as every team is unique and will undergo challenges at different stages, one need to deal with human psychology, culture, motivation, passion and capabilities of each individual. Hence one size does not fit for all. Team that quickly acquires above outlined skills and starts demonstrating the same in day-to-day delivery, is certainly on the path to become high-performing team. Once team becomes high-performing the following things are noticed:
- Consistent and positive outcome
- A step in the direction to become self governed team through continuous improvement
It becomes very easy to work with high-performing team and build a long term association with stakeholders as they can focus on other important things, where their involvement is much needed.
In order to see the benefits in the long run, high-performing team needs to be assessed against above characteristics, if there is a change in team composition, significant change in the scope and change in stakeholders.
@Yuvraj Rajput